About Jide Ogunsanya : Nigerian Tech Blogger


Myself, Ferdy, David of Abujafacts and Adaora of EasyTaxi
Jide Ogunsanya at 2014 Nigeria Digital Marketing Summit
At 2014 Nigeria Digital Marketing Summit..

My name is Jide Ogunsanya; the brain behind www.ogbongeblog.comI am a young, passionate Nigerian Blogger and Digital marketer with so much passion for making things happen with the use of Technology. No doubt, I am one of the top Nigerian tech bloggers. 

I graduated as a microbiologist from Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) in Ogun state, Nigeria but enrolled in a 6 months weekend course in Java Programming at NIIT, Onitsha during my National Youth Service.  At NIIT, I was able to master some computer skills which have been so helpful to me till this very moment. 

Ogbongeblog is the space through which I share tutorials and tips related to blogging, social media, digital marketing, money-making ideas. The topics I choose vary widely but revolve around my personal interests. Therefore,bloggers, web designers, Internet entrepreneurs, information marketers, freebies fans and people with general interests in social media do find my blog posts relevant and interesting.

I make money online from my blog in different ways. You can read how I make $622 (N97,000) in 15 Days From Google Adsense just for you to know that making money from blogging is real. You can find out other ways I make money online here

The blog won the “Best Science and Tech Blog” in 2011 Nigerian Blog Awards.

In 2012 Nigerian Blog Awards, the blog emerged as the “Best Tutorials Blog” (Judge’s choice).

Nigerian Blog Awards

In 2013, the blog emerged as the winner of the “Best Online Media On Technology” in 2013 OYAA Awards.  The blog couldn’t make the final nomination list of 2013 Nigerian Blog Awards because of what happened to the blog in October, 2013.

OYAA awards

The blog has thousands of subscribers as seen in the Feedburner counter on the post pages. You can check out the traffic stats at Alexa to confirm that it is truly one of the best Nigerian blogs. 

I started the blog in 2008 to share my knowledge online especially as regards to solving tech-related issues and also to make legal money online. The moment I started making money from the blog, I started sharing with my blog readers, how they can also make money from the internet especially via blogging.

By the end of my service year in 2009, I was proud of the blog to the extent that I was reluctant in applying for jobs. Then, I even decided that if jobs come my way, I will not settle for crazy job offers. smiles**

I’ve inspired alot of people to get involved in blogging and the success stories I receive from a lot of them keep encouraging me to do more with my blog.You can read one of the stories here.

My tech astuteness grabbed me Most Innovative Corper in Idemili North LG and the  ANAMBRA STATE MERIT AWARD  on completion of my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program in the state, in 2009.

Below is the photo of me receiving the State award: 

In 2010, I started BloggersLab, a Facebook group for Bloggers to connect.  Right now, the group has thousands of members with some fellow bloggers as admins to ensure the group remains interactive. Some brands are currently active there to connect with Bloggers and the group keeps growing as time passes by.
As a group, we’ve also been able to organize events where members meet one on one and exchange ideas.

At BloggersLab, you can meet pro-Bloggers who are ready to share ideas with you. If you also need bloggers to help you advertise your products and services to your target audience, the group is a nice place to meet such bloggers. 

Many brands have leveraged on the popularity of my blog among Nigerian youths , to create more awareness for their brands. I’ve published series of tips and tutorials on how to use products and services of those brands which of course, attract traffic to my blog from the search engine, same traffic, I refer back to the sites of those brands.

When it comes to writing SEO friendly posts, I’m good at it. This is why despite the fact that I don’t publish much posts monthly, the blog remains relevant and consistent since the day it was created. Besides that, I am so good in using social media networks especially Facebook, in marketing anything online. From Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Nairaland to Instagram, you will definitely see that I’m active there. Many CEOs have paid me to use my networks in creating buzz around their businesses and none has ever regret working with me because I always over-deliver 🙂

I also explore paid advertising in promoting my online products, businesses and services. Remarketing and search advertising are some of the skills I use in increasing sales and creating awareness for my online businesses. I’ve several tools I use in measuring performance of my online campaigns. I have custom Google analytics dashboards I created to track series of metrics. Honestly, I’m a brilliant digital marketer..eh eh.

Outside working hours, I train people and welcome private training especially for executives. I am also a freelance consultant whom you can easily consult for anything related to Internet technologies and digital marketing. Besides blogging, I specialize in Business development, digital marketing and Website Management for online businesses. Though, a busy guy, you can still schedule one-on-one appointments with me provided you are not far from me.

I work in close partnership with leading Nigeria Internet professionals, graphic designers, programmers, copywriters and online business experts. With my network of professionals, I can design and develop customized Internet solutions to optimize your online potential, helping you gain new clients while enhancing website/blog monetization and conversion optimization to grow successfully.

I  own  www.nairaforsms.com , a bulk sms website where individuals, businesses, organizations send bulk, personalised sms to their customers, fans, followers and loved ones.

I am also the founder of mobilitaria.com;  a mobile technology blog in Nigeria.

You can download my free ebook on how to create and monetize a free blog here.



I render loads of services, SOME of which are highlighted below:

# Facebook Advertising
# Advertising on Google display networks (search, direct placement, remarketing)
# Blog/Website Design
# SEO Optimization (Making your site/blog rank well in Google and other search engines)
# Social Media Integration/Marketing (Facebook, Twitter)
# Tech Consulting
# Seminar training

FIND ME and connect with me

#Google plus
#Google Baraza

Looking for a service that’s not listed? Contact me with your request.


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28 responses to “About Jide Ogunsanya : Nigerian Tech Blogger”

  1. Amin Avatar

    Hey big boy,

    I wish to have that knowledge in your head
    Remain bless
    Thanks for a lot of info

  2. Okechukwu Avatar

    Yeah, I like ur gut. Atleast honest guys in Nigeria like u is doing what they love to do in the right way and not to cut corners. A contemporary writer defined business as anything one does to earn a living. He went further to categorize business into two namely legal and illegal- d type dat draws d ire of d society nd attract punishment is considered illegal. Guys like u are doing the legal online biz and what more do we tell d world other than to let dem know dat not all of us is as bad as they view us. Keep d flag flying cos u ar one of those we can proudly raise our hand and identify with. Thumb up man, dont relent. Together, we will all succeed. I remain who I am.

  3. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    Thanks so much for the comments. May God keep blessing us all. Amen

  4. Bayo T. Avatar

    Please I want you to guide me on an online biz that i'm thinking about.

  5. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    which online biz is that?

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    ogbongs u r really doing a great job. i ve learnt alot from ur blogs. i also want to learn blogging and learn how to creat a blog. hope u will teach me. thanks. am Ekenzo.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Yes, I can teach you. Contact me via email

  7. RevelutioN Avatar

    I love your CreAtiviTy,keep it up.
    May GOD continue to bless you…

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Amen..and you too.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Hello Great Man, how are you doing? hope u re fine? Pls i would really like u to give me some tutor of blogging and lots more…here is my number 08138095108. i await for ur call. thanks
    I'm Pastor Charles

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Kindly access my blog via a PC and you will see my free blogger guide on the sidebar. Download and read it. You can also mail me so I can send it to your email. Cheers

  9. Paul Obheriri Avatar

    Mr. Endowed…. I am just speechless, honestly….

  10. Zubi Avatar

    Jide, how are u? I happily appreciate what you are doing, all your info. here are educative. Pls, I am having a problem that needed ur assistance. I have a website that has more than 100 visitors a week but Google Adsense has rejected my application for 2 times. Moreover, I cant create Google Analytic on the site. It started from the day I updated my theme. Please, how do we rectify this problem?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Pls, contact me via email and I will get back to you.

  11. Christian Avatar

    You are doing a great thing here i wish to know you more. i manages http://www.chrisderablog.com, my greatest challenge is how to integrate AdS in my blog somebody designed it for me but unfortunately he is no longer in the country. i wish hear from you sir.

  12. Lekksite Avatar

    love this bro really insipring……………..

  13. Oge Avatar

    Such a great tech guy. You have created a niche for yourself on the internet space, ride and keep flying Jide!

  14. Stanley Okoro Avatar

    Via your inspiration, I have set up a blog at http://WWW.newsway247.blogspot.com . Pls,do check it out and advice me as a professional. Thanks. Remain ever blessed.



  16. maxwell Avatar

    in guy i like wat am seeing i really want to staet this blog,how can i start,my number.07036234910 or odalonu.max@gmail.com

  17. Anonymous Avatar

    The best profile I ever read. Thank God for the wisdom He has deposited in you. I desire to make a name too in the blogsphere. Will always keep in touch to learn from the boss.

  18. uthman saheed Avatar

    You are nothing less than wonderful…am your fan of life boss.

  19. adedeji simon Avatar

    nice guy i can feel you

  20. Admin Avatar

    nice one mr jide going through your about us for the first time


  21. Gift Ogo Avatar

    Jide jide 1, only you na you, bro keep it up, i wish i can find a guru like u in my state, i would have pay him a visit, ogun is far from Delta

  22. Chukwuma Okafor Avatar

    Wonderful.. Really great, i am very much impressed…. Mr. Ogbonge you are more than great , i love everything about this blog and i wish to be like you one day….. Just that will need much of your help and i hope you will, thanks the sky is your starting point.

  23. Danita Avatar

    wow, great information. Thank you for sharing.


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