
ABU Zaria Result for 2019 May Semeter Examination is Out!!!

This is to inform you that the ABU Zaria results for the 2019 May Semester examination are out and can be viewed by following the steps below:

  1. Login to the ABU Zaria result checker website at:

  2. Click on your category either:

  • Undergraduate Result
  • PGDE Result
  • MBA Result
  1. You are required to enter your registration/matric number as username and state of origin as password (i.e Enter the login credientials you used for your CBT Exams).

  2. Click on “Sign in” to view the result.

After you have followed Steps 1 to 4 and you are still unable to login, kindly send an email to Ahmadu Bello University Zaria distance learning support for resolution.

According to a notice on ABU Zaria results portal, the result of students involved in examination malpractice in the May Semester examination has been cancelled.

Students with genuine grievance on the just released examination results are to register their complaints using the “Click me if you have any Complain” link on the result checker portal.

There is a 10 days period for students with genuine grievance on examination results to register their complain. Complaints received after midnight of 9th February 2020 will not be entertained.

Students should expect response to complaints from the 10th of February, 2020 and the response will be on the result checker.

ABU Zaria result checker

About ABU Zaria DLC

The ABU Zaria Distance Learning Center is designed to provide the ability to obtain degrees from an NUC Accredited school no matter where you live. Focused and flexible, the highly ranked program delivers the knowledge and skills you need to advance your career whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you.

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