Cardless Withdrawal | Withdraw Money Without ATM Card & How It Works



The finance industry in the world has continued to innovate in a bid to serve mankind better and to find simpler ways of achieving financial inclusion in the world. One of such innovations is the Cardless Cash Withdrawal service which enables customers to withdraw cash securely and conveniently from Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

The Nigerian banking system has embraced this innovation and several banks have released features that allow their customers to make use of this cardless withdrawal service using a Cardless ATM.

What is a Cardless Withdrawal?

Cardless withdrawal is a system that allows customers to withdraw cash securely and conveniently for everyday usage and purchases without an ATM Card. Over the past few months, many banks have launched the ‘Cardless Cash Withdrawal’ facility from ATMs.

What are Cardless ATMs?

Cardless Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are machines which allow the everyday consumer to perform ATM transactions such as withdrawals using their smartphones. They provide access to your bank account and allow you to withdraw cash without the need for a physical card.

This may be through the bank’s mobile app or pre-designed USSD codes. This is a convenient system that covers for situations such as when one does not have a debit card or when it is misplaced, lost or left at home.

Benefits of the Cardless Withdrawal System

The cardless withdrawal system offers numerous benefits to the everyday consumer and some of them include:

  1. Easy to use:
    With the prevalence of smartphones in the everyday man’s life, the cardless cash withdrawal system is fast becoming the easy and simple option for people to access their accounts and make cash transactions without using a card. All they need do is start their transaction on their phone and complete it at a nearby cardless ATM.
  2. Reduces need for ATM Cards
    The Cardless system reduces the need for one to carry an ATM Card every day, thus reducing risk of theft and one falling prey to criminal activities.
    For most people who have more than one bank account, this is also particularly useful as they do not have to carry many cards with them everywhere they go.
  3. Security
    While the cardless system is not automatically more secure than withdrawing by card, it does reduce the risk of falling prey to hackers who may skim card data as one inserts it into the card terminal. The two-step verification method employed by the Cardless withdrawal system also serves to make this form of transaction more secure.

How to do a Cardless withdrawal:

Here is a step by step guide on how to carry out a cardless withdrawal transactions;

On any Bank’s ATM

  • Locate any the Bank’s ATM
  • Press “Enter” button on the ATM
  • Select the “PayCode” option
  • Enter “PayCode number” received on your mobile phone
  • Enter pre-selected “Cash-Out PIN Number” selected on Internet Banking when initiating request
  • Enter “Amount” (This should be same selected when initiating request on Internet Banking, USSD, Mobile Banking)
  • Press “Enter “ button to proceed
  • Collect your Cash

Cardless Withdrawal for ALAT Customers

Via the ALAT by WEMA bank app:

To use the ALAT app to perform a cardless withdrawal, follow the following steps:

1. Log into the ALAT app.

2. Click the ‘Send Money’ option in the menu and click on ATM Card-less Transfer.

3. Fill the field correctly and authenticate the transfer with your ALAT PIN. You will receive a paycode by email.

4. To withdraw your money, go to any cardless-enabled or paycode-enabled ATM and press ENTER to clear the ATM screen.

5. Select CashOut Paycode, type the reference number and the cashout PIN.

6. Type the amount of money you wish to withdraw. Please note that it must be the same as that which you indicated on the app.

Cardless Withdrawal for GTBanks Customers

Via The Mobile App

  • Download the GT-World application on your “Playstore” for Android phones, “App World” for BlackBerry phones and “Appstore” for IPhone
  • Log on to Mobile Banking with your User ID and Password
  • Slide your finger on your Mobile phone to display outstanding menu items
  • Click “Cardless withdrawal” options on the “Banking” module
  • If you want to withdraw from a GTBank’s ATM machine close to you, click ” Cash out (GTBank ATMs)” option

Via The GTBank ATM

  • Locate any GTBank ATM
  • Press “Enter” button on the ATM
  • Select the “Cardless Withdrawal(GT-Rescue)” option
  • Enter “Reference Code” received on your mobile phone
  • Enter “ Amount” (This should be same selected when initiating request on Internet Banking, USSD, Mobile Banking)
  • Press “Enter “ button to proceed
  • Collect your Cash

Cardless Withdrawal for First Bank Customers

  • Dial *848*Amount#
  • Authenticate the transaction by inputting the details requested on the popup
  • Input your preferred 4- digit one-time PIN then press send. (Be sure to write down your generated pin(OTP) This will be to your phone via email or text
  • Locate the nearest First Bank Cardless enabled ATM then enter your personal PIN.
  • Enter your 4-digit One time PIN( The pin you generated) and paycode
  • Enter the amount you picked and your phone number
  • Collect your Cash

How to get your preferred Debit Card from ALAT

In case you’re not particularly into the cardless option, here’s how to get your debit card from ALAT

  • Log in to the ALAT app
  • Click Cards.
  • Swipe to pick your favourite card design
  • Type your ALAT PIN to confirm your request.
  • Input where you would like your card delivered to
  • Click Submit.
  • Your card will get to you in 72 hours.

The Cardless ATM service is a convenient and handy system that allows one to securely withdraw money without the use of a debit card. Even if the everyday consumer does not employ this service, it is always helpful to know that it is available for use in case of any emergencies.

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One response to “Cardless Withdrawal | Withdraw Money Without ATM Card & How It Works”

  1. Williams Avatar

    Thanks for this nice write up, but is the cardless ATMs different from other ones? Or the normally conventional ones can also do this.

    Anticipating your reply sir


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