WordPress.com blogs comes with a free address, like example.wordpress.com.
If you have one of such blogs, you can get rid of the .wordpress.com part and use a custom domain name instead, like example.com. Unlike Blogger which allows you to change to .com for free, setting up a custom domain for a WordPress.com blog is a paid upgrade.
- Registering a domain through WordPress.com starts at $18.00 per domain, per year (see below for a detailed price list)
- Adding a domain you already own costs $13.00 per domain, per year.
- You pay extra $8.00 (optional) for Private Registration upgrade, which will protect your identity and hide your contact information.
Why is this important?
==> Your own domain name looks way better on your business cards
==> You can have email addresses on the same domain name (like you@yourdomain.com)
==> You can create subdomains (such as blog.yourdomain.com)
As a web designer, I have been asked many times on how to map domain in WordPress and I earn doing it for others. With my experience in it I have decided to provide step by step guide with pictures (simplified but inline with wordpress.com help article) to help any novice not too lazy to set it up. Thus, the steps below:
1. Log in to www.wordpress.com
2. Then visit https://wordpress.com/domains/
3. Click REGISTER A NEW DOMAIN. See screenshot.
4. Input your choice domain and click SEARCH. See screenshot:
5. If your chosen domain is available, click on REGISTER NOW.
6. Select “No Thanks; I don’t need email with this domain”……. and click on “Continue To Registration”.
7. Fill the registration details for your chosen domain.
9. Thereafter, click JUST NORMAL REGISTRATION.
10. You will be taken to PURCHASE PAGE. Choose to use Credit Card or PAYPAL (I recommend Paypal). See screenshot below:
If successful, you should see:
11. Congratulations. You have successfully purchased your domain name.
12. Thereafter, update your domain to be the primary domain used for your blog on the My Domains page : https://wordpress.com/my-domains/
It will automatically switch in few minutes if not other custom or subdomain is attached to your site.
That’s all.
Any question, contribution, correction is welcomed via the comment box below and you can hire me to do the service for a token.
Happy Mapping 🙂
Bookmarked. Thanks for the share. Kinda expensive though..
Thanks for your comment Lois…Hope to see reduction in the fees from wordpress soonest.
Thanks and Welcome ma!
How good is payment with credit card? paypal is out of reach for now
Am sorry for late response (just seeing this),
Your credit card also serves the same thing. Give it a try sir!
Better to buy hosting and use wordpress.org. Hence you enjoy all the benefits of plugins and the wordpress itself.
Hi. I currently own a wordpress blog but I could not buy a domain name because they don't accept payment from Nigeria.
I'm thinking of switching to blogger. Please can you put me through with a step by step guide on how to purchase my own domain name and link it to my blogger blog since that's what you have done?
mail me
If I purchase a custom domain will my blog still be under free web host of wordpress.
I look forward to your reply.