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Facebook Live Unable To Find Camera? Try This
Earlier today, I decided to try a Facebook Live OBS trick to stream a video on my laptop to Facebook. Unfortunately, whenever I try to go live on Facebook from
the computer, it keeps telling me that Facebook is unable to find camera despite the fact that the inbuilt webcam of the laptop is working fine. I tried my
external logitech webcam too, same story.
After googling what might be the cause, I stumbled on a trick which fixed the problem. Hence, I’ve decided to share it with you, hopefully it might be useful to
you too. All I did was to set the default camera in chrome settings.
Navigate to “Settings”
Scroll down and click ” Show advanced settings”
Go to “Privacy” and click on “Content Settings”
Scroll to Camera and select the camera you are using from the drop down. Also ensure you select the “ask when as it requires access to your camera”
Click “done”
Re-try the Facebook Live and everything should be fine now.
I hope it works
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12 responses to “Facebook Live Unable To Find Camera? Try This”
Nope… the settings were already set this way, so I deleted the allowed sites and tried again.
I got a popup save Facebook would like permission to use the camera, I accepted it – and still nothing….I have now tested the camera several times and even checked it’s physical connections inside the laptop – nothing…
This is a code issue from what I can tellGot it too windows are rubbish had this with the photoshop app and stylus before they keep f—-ing up!!!
This has been bugging me for hours as Facebook could not access my camera or microphone. Thanks so much for sharing
seems FB have removed advanced settings now so no option. tested camera working fine.
this is on a samsung Laptop, just tells me to turn them on and select to do so and has wrong settings and won’t let me alter as looks for VDP source instead of camera and see’s the microphone but no sound either
so use what’s app instead solved the problem bad luck FBI like it when peoplae say “”I don’t have an iPhone.””. Makes me feel like I’m not the only one. Always been android based. Grew up with a 186, not a macintosh… or whatever apple’s computer was at the time.. great vids. very helpful!
Ross AlishaDid you find a solution to this problem
I am unable to live stream in Facebook using OBS running on Windows 10 HP desktop
It says unable to find camera
I did the privacy settings and still nothing
The camera is being recognized by OBS but not by Facebook
I tried using a different browser (Firefox) and it says to update Chrome
But I am running the latest version of Chrome
And I even uninstalled Chrome and reinstalled it
PLEASE HELPThis did not work for me either….tried a different browser (IE) and it just says to update my browser which I did previously and it only updates chrome…not IE….
This didnt work for me either. was already set up as should be but still doesnt work. did anyone find a solution? Thanks
OH MY GOODNESS. Thank you so much for this. I have spent hours and hours trying to figure this out!! Thank you for sharing instead of holding the inside,
I just bought HD Webcam I cant connect to activate. Please can you give me a guide or directions on how to connect or make my Camera live
I have spent hours trying to figure this out, thanks so much for sharing this.
Still unable to go live with Facebook. Webcam works with other apps and I have made sure that none of those is running when trying Facebook. Camera is detected and I have given permission. Camera active indicator on my laptop flashes briefly then Facebook tells me it has failed again.
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