How To Upload A New Template To Blogger


Although Blogger allows users to easily make changes to the design of their blogs by making use of the Template Designer, there might be occasions you may prefer to download and install a Blogger template sent to you by someone or the one downloaded from sites that offer custom Blogger templates eg

Just as with WordPress themes and Joomla templates, you need to be careful about using free Blogger templates found on the web because they might include malware or spam links to other sites which might harm your blog SEO. If the source is trusted, no cause for alarm.

For you to install a template successfully, it must be in the .xml format that is compatible with Blogger. Most sites where you can download free Blogger templates package the .xml file and some other files in a zip file. Hence, you will have to unzip the file before you can upload the .xml file to your Blogger blog. If you upload the .zip file directly to Blogger, you will likely get a blogger template upload error.

How To Install New Blogger Template

Now, let’s assume you have the .xml file of the template you want to upload. Just follow me through the steps below, to install it to your Blogger blog:

==> Sign in to and click on your blog in the dashboard
==> Back up your blogger template.  Very Important!
==> Click on “Template”

==> Click the Backup/Restore button located at the upper right corner of the screen
==> A popUp similar to the screenshot below will appear

install blogspot template

==> Click “Browse“. Select the .xml file of the template you want to install
==> Click “Upload“.

Preview your blog and if everything is fine, hit the ‘Save Template‘ button.

If upload is successful, you should notice the changes once you view your blog in your browser.

That’s all.

Don’t Know How To Unzip The Zip File You Downloaded?

In Windows and Linux, you can right-click the Zip file and select “Extract All…” Extract All will allow you to set a path for the extracted folder to go.

Select the location for the extracted folder. You will see the .xml file of the template in the folder.

I hope this helps.

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9 responses to “How To Upload A New Template To Blogger”

  1. Craig Avatar

    Thanks Jide

  2. Titilayo Avatar

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Tolulope Lawson Avatar


  4. Anonymous Avatar

    gudevenin Mr jide,can u figure out?can send mails 2 persons nd de receive it bt cant send to bloggers,i tried sendin mails like 3times 2 emeh,miss petite nigeria 2 upload in her blog bt she said she didnt receiv it,can u help me out,dont knw the problem,i use a bbQ10 phone,btw emeh directed us here for any issue concernin internet stuffs,pleas i beg u in the name of God reply,thank you!vera,



  6. Evelyn Okpara Avatar

    Thanks, very useful to me

  7. sulaiman usman Avatar

    Thanks for the post.


    Jide how to unzip zip file to upload it?

  9. Gift Ogo Avatar

    Nairaloadit u nor get ear? Thats how to unzip file, is u that know if u will upload or download it after unziping, thanks boss jide, the ogbonge 1


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