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Introducing “Who I Go Ask?”
I am using this opportunity to introduce you to “Who I Go Ask?” . is simply a question and answer website where you can ask questions and get your questions answered by the community. Instead of looking for answers to your questions in the search engines which might be inaccurate, just go to, ask your question and get direct answers from experts.
At, you can easily get answers to questions which do not have good search result in the search engines eg “Which store can one buy Samsung Galaxy S3 in Nigeria?”, “What is the recipe for bitter leaf soup?”, “How can i make my voice to be clear when singing?” etc.
You will be able to create your profile, send private messages to other users, rate answers and questions. Points will be awarded to you for your activities on the site. The “Points” really make it to be fun. It’s integrated with facebook and twitter, and has mobile apps (Android, Java, Symbian,HTC) for you to get updates.
If you are a smart blogger, I expect you to know how a site like this can be useful to you just as Google Baraza and Yahoo Answers.
To get started, go to to sign up and start asking and answering questions.
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10 responses to “Introducing “Who I Go Ask?””
Makes sense. Joining asap. thanks for sharing.
See you there man
Great innovative platform for getting all questions answered. Thanks Jide for sharing this website
You welcome. thanks for the comment bro
I Hope there links are DO FOLLOW – I'll give it a try.. answer a few questions and see if it has any positive impact.
Hope you not looking for INSTANT impact.
i love this post jide keep it up
ok man. Will keep trying my best
But for this thing, we already have Yahoo! Answers.. Isn't it?
Yes, but this is more targeted at Nigerians
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