
Konga Escrow Payment System : How It Works, a top Nigerian online shopping website has integrated escrow payment system into their ecommerce platform. The escrow service will ensure that all payments are only made to sellers on Konga marketplace once delivery has been confirmed by the buyer. i.e Konga will only pay sellers when buyers are happy with the product.

In other to ensure buyers and sellers are satisfied during any sales process, the Konga Escrow system has been developed working with Nigeria’s leading banks to provide 100% buyer protection. Konga Escrow allows for secured and easy payment online without exposing your ATM/Debit Card details.

How It Works

Konga escrow System
  1.  Buyer pays for order via Konga Escrow
  2.  Seller delivers order to Buyer
  3.  Konga Escrow releases payment to Seller

Konga Escrow verifies the payment details for every transaction and will only give the seller the go ahead to ship the order after payment confirmation.

Payment will be made to the seller if no order delivery confirmation is received within the time frame set by the seller as regards the return policy for a particular product. This could either  be 7, 14 or 30 days.

With the Konga Escrow system, shoppers can also get amazing discounts and offers available to verified account holders on Konga.

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Written by Jide Ogunsanya

Pro Nigerian Blogger, Digital Marketer and Web designer. I help business owners to grow their businesses online. You can join my Facebook Group here or join my Telegram Group here.

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  1. I see a serious conflict of interest down the road, Konga the market place and also an escrow account holder, why not a third party independent online escrow account? Just a thought.

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