N-Power Build News Update – Registration Postponed!


If you are interested in npower build news updates, you are at the right place. Right here, you will be able to follow latest n-power build news and all you need to know about the n-power build recruitment training programme of the federal government of Nigeria.

As at 12pm on 6th of november, 2018, the n-power build application portal ( npowerbuild.npvn.ng ) is not yet displaying the n-power build application form. Instead, all you see on the n-power build website, is “N-Power Build Application Starts Soon”

This, I think is related to the tweet tweeted by N-Power twitter handle that the n-power build registration has been postponed for a few weeks and further information would be communicated shortly.

Good morning,

We realise that many have been waiting on information on the N-Power Build.

We apologize.

Please note that the portal will NOW open within a few weeks. We will communicate proper details shortly.

npower news updates

As earlier reported here on OgbongeBlog, the n-power build portal was to be opened for 2018 n-power recruitment registration between 5th and 16th November  2018, but with the new development, interested applicants are urged to wait patiently for further updates.

Ensure you subscribe to this blog so you won’t miss the npower news updates.

Also ensure you read everything about N-Power build i.e 7 trades, the requirements, the duration, the benefits, the salary etc

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15 responses to “N-Power Build News Update – Registration Postponed!”


    want to be seeing news updates

  2. Ibikunle sayo Avatar
    Ibikunle sayo

    I’m expecting your notifications while your portal is back.thanks

  3. Precious oboh Avatar
    Precious oboh

    Pls inform me when n bulid has finally open

  4. ikechi bright Avatar
    ikechi bright

    what i the exact amount for N-Build trainee, apart from the 10,000.00 for stipen

  5. Lawal omowunmi Avatar
    Lawal omowunmi

    I want to be seeing your update pls.

  6. Eneanwan Nyong Avatar
    Eneanwan Nyong

    I want to be seeing updates

  7. Idris A. Avatar
    Idris A.

    Pls notify me

  8. Oloruntola Bunmi Avatar
    Oloruntola Bunmi

    Plz notify me when the application start

  9. AHMAD SALIM Avatar

    please i want you to inform me any latest news about your sites

  10. Mahmud ibrahim Avatar
    Mahmud ibrahim


  11. Suleiman musa Avatar
    Suleiman musa

    Notify me when npower comeout

  12. Uthman Muhammud isa Dasong Avatar
    Uthman Muhammud isa Dasong

    notify me when your everything is free and come-out please notify people like that we need

  13. Muhammad Isayaq Avatar
    Muhammad Isayaq

    Real appreciate this news

  14. Sunday Ugwueke Avatar
    Sunday Ugwueke

    Great , please keep me updated.


    notify me when application start pls


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