Picture of my $20 Fiverr Earnings

If you have been making money online, then you can make more with Fiverr easily and if you have never made money online, I can guarantee you that with Fiverr, you will be making between $5 and $50 daily if you are serious about what you are doing.

Well, if you do not know what fiverr is, Fiverr is a website where people buy and sell gigs (tasks) for $5. The site is a place where you can get people perform tasks you can’t perform yourself and pay them $5 and you can as well perform tasks for people and get paid $5.

Despite the fact that I have not been devoting much of my time to the site, I have been able to make some few bucks on the site and below is the screenshot taking from my account. You can click on the picture for a larger view of the screenshot.


$20 may not sound like a lot, but I have been able to use part of the earnings to get some great softwares that would have cost me lots of money if not for fiverr. Imagine, getting a $75 software for just $5 on fiverr. Interesting, right?

To get started on Fiverr, just think about things you are willing to do for $5, and you are good to go!

In my future posts, I will share some free fiverr ebooks with you, how i make money on fiverr and ideas of giggs that can start fetching you money on fiverr overnight.

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Cheers !!!.

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14 responses to “Picture of my $20 Fiverr Earnings”

  1. Samson Avatar

    This is interesting. I have been hearing about the site but the paypal issue has really been discouraging me but with what you said in this post that one can even use the earnings to even buy giggs, I now feel encouraged and will start creating some giggs tonight. thx for this.

  2. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    Don't be discouraged by the Paypal issue. You can use your earnings to buy giggs just as i used some of my earnings to get some softwares. Lots of great things and services you will get at the site for just $5

  3. Dayo Edunjobi Avatar

    Sure fiverr is a great place to get thing at a ridiculously low price, the site's been up a little long time but its funny most of us don't know about it until recently.

    After I discovered the site few months ago I decided to test run it's viability and it blew my mind.

    By the way let me chip in this; it might not always be a $5 thing, as I once had a $5 gig which was actually a hundreds dollar project in disguise.

  4. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    You are right. Some people find their way out of fiverr to complete projects for more than $5. I do this too…


    Yes thats true, never thought it was Real, not until i tried it and it was cool…. Kudos Ogbonge!!!

  6. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    @Azeez..am glad you tried it and now making sense to you. Happy gigging bro.

  7. makemoneyngr Avatar

    thanks Ogbonge,am just hearing about Fiverr.let me check out the website.
    but how they pay earnings?
    do they pay by check also?

  8. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    when you are ready to withdraw your earnings, they will pay it to your paypal account. If you do not have a paypal account, just be making the money and when you are ready to withdraw, just contact me.

  9. Charleen Larson Avatar

    I certainly wish Fiverr had an alternate payment method. PayPal can be a real pain.

    Thanks for your inspirational article!

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      I wish too…thanks for stopping by.

  10. Dobbys Signature Avatar

    are there other ways one can get a paypal account?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      which ways do you know?

  11. Anonymous Avatar

    Am having a problem in creating giggs ….
    i created one but it was cancelled after reviewing …….help me

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Make sure the giggs you create do not go against fiverr terms and conditions


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