How To Put Affiliate or Adsense Advert In Middle of Blogger Blog Post


There are series of tutorials online on how to place Adsense below Blogger post title and at the end of Blogger post but you will hardly see tutorials that will explain how to easily place adsense or affiliate advert in the middle of a Blogger post. This is simply because it’s not something you can easily achieve by copying and pasting your ad code in your blog’s html.

Although, there exists an advanced hack you can implement to insert an ad in the middle of a Blogger post but I’m sharing with you in this post, a trick that simply involves the use of Blogger’s “Post Template” feature.

Post template helps save you time by pre-formatting the post editor. You can use it to format your posts in a certain way. Hence, you can also use it to automatically display your adverts in the middle of your posts.

How To Get Started

==> Get your Adsense code or advert code ready
==> Log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to Settings > Posts and comments, then click Add next to Post Template.
==> Paste your ad code in the box and save. (No need to parse the code).

Blogger post template

That’s all.

When next you need to compose a post, click on the “HTML” tab of the post editor to see your ad code.

Type your post content above and below the ad code, so that the advert will be in the middle.

When you are through with typing the content, you can click on the “Compose” tab to easily add links etc to your post.

When you are done, publish your post, view and you should see the ad in the middle of the post.

NB: The ad will not display in old posts but automatically displays on the Blogger mobile view.

Try it and let me know if it works for you.


Recommended: How I Make Adsense Ads Appear Automatically In Middle of New and Old Blogger Posts Without Using Post Template Feature.

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28 responses to “How To Put Affiliate or Adsense Advert In Middle of Blogger Blog Post”

  1. Bayo Avatar

    Nice share boss but how can I make the ad appear in the centre and not align to the left?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar


      <div style="text-align: center;">

      –YOUR Ad CODE HERE —


  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Will it show on mobile?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Yes, automatically displays on mobile.

    2. efe obasuyi michael Avatar

      pls how can i make it appear to mobile device only?

  3. Opzydon Woros Avatar

    Oh great am gonna try it on my blog

  4. Daayur Avatar gonna give this a try now and give a feedback soon

  5. Prince Hypermega Avatar

    How can i make all my ads to display on mobile?

  6. George Emmanuel Avatar

    Thanks for this useful info. Will give it a try.

  7. Ekele desmond Avatar

    Me Jide, I edited a blogger template using blogger template designer, I applied it to my blog and the desktop view of my blog changed to the template I designed using blogger template designer. But the mobile view of my blog is still using a template I choosed from blogger templates, I want the template I am using on my desktop view to show on the mobile view so everyone using mobile can see the new design I gave to my blog. Pls reply me ASAP.

  8. Edi Dominic Ifediri Avatar

    So each time I write a post, I will have to manually insert my ad codes by pasting the codes in the post editor?

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    thank you for this. av been looking for it abroad, i dont know nigerian got it. i will try it in my blog and

  10. Akpene Jacob Avatar

    Thanks Jide but my Dealdey ads are not showing the banner, its showing only the banner size but if i click on it it will take me to dealdey site


    Thanks..God Bless You

  12. davina ibegbu Avatar

    hello jide is not working on my blog

  13. Diamond Report Avatar

    Can you please gimme this template?

  14. sitaram mahato Avatar

    nice post it really help me thanks alot

  15. Franca Lucky-Ojile Avatar

    Nice post ! Please how do I center adsence ads on top of my blog? And also to add another ads with the size?

  16. Jerrybrandz Ibe Avatar

    really helpful

  17. Jinadu Jamiu Avatar

    Big bro, I did it and it works but I was unable to click on it, pls what can I do? thanks

  18. Ufuoma Ogono Avatar

    It worked but it's having a big empty box before the add

  19. Michael Doo Avatar


  20. Adefila Abiodun Avatar

    thanks for this, it works well for

  21. Joy Nsini Avatar

    Pls I have done as you said on but its not showing.what could be the problem.please help.thanks

  22. Adedotun Osi-Efa Avatar

    Wat if am using blogger Android app how do I put the code in the middle??

  23. Avatar

    Do you have to do it manually at each post?

  24. Umuahia Blog Avatar

    Just saw this now

  25. Bolaji Avatar

    Thank you for this post. I have been looking for a way to do just that. just did it and it worked. By the way, your blog is cool. I will love to know you better if you don’t mind. Ok. Later.


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