Requirements for Jamb Registration 2022


The requirements for jamb registration 2022 are clearly stated in the weekly jamb bulletin, one of which is the national identification number (NIN)

The management of the jamb bulletin, which is chaired by the Head, Media and Public Relations of the Board, Fabian Benjamin, gave credit to the recent partnership between the Board and the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC).

“The partnership between the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) is yielding desired results as the process which, by all indications, was deemed impracticable in 2019 and had to be shelved, was re-introduced in 2020 with little hitches, but has become seamless in all ramifications in 2021 and now improved in 2022,” the bulletin stated.

General Entry Requirements by JAMB

The general entry requirements for admission into the First Degree, National Diploma (ND), National Innovation Diploma (NID) and Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programmes are five (5) O’level credit passes including English Language.

In addition, credit in mathematics is required for science-based and social science programmes.

Details are available in the e-Brochure which would be given to each eligible candidate at every JAMB-accredited CBT registration centre.

The JAMB eBrochure is also available for download at by selecting “quick links”, and then

Download JAMB IBass App

You can access the utme brochure on your phone if you download jamb ibass android app from the Google Play store.

Requirements for Direct Entry (DE)

Candidates with any of the following qualifications may be considered for admission through
Direct Entry:

  1. A minimum of O’level credit pass in five (5) SSSC subjects at not more than two sittings with at least two prescribed subjects for each programme (course of study) at Principal or Advanced level.
  2. Two passes [in prescribed subjects for each (programme) course of study] at the A’Level Examination awarded by IJMB, Cambridge, JUPEB or Institute of Baccalaureate with other 3 credit passes in the SSSC.
  3. Credit passes in two major subjects in the NCE with 3 other credit passes in SSSC, NTC/NBC (mainly for Education/Technical programmes).
  4. Minimum of credit grade in University/National Diploma or National Innovation Diploma with the appropriate O level requirements.

Also note that :

DE candidates will be required to provide their jamb regustration numbers with which they gained admission to NCE/NID/DIPLOMA and previous degree programmes.

Registration for DE candidates shall not be extended beyond the period alloted to both UTME/DE


CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT APPLY FOR UTME AND DE AT THE SAME TIME. IF ANY CANDIDATE APPLIES THROUGH UTME AND LATER OBTAINS HIGHER QUALIFICATION, THE UTME CAN BE UPGRADED TO DE AT NO COST. Indeed it is a sanctionable infraction to obtain two application documents in the same year. Double/multiple registrations attract outright cancellation and prosecution.

Candidates are not permitted to register more than once. In the event of any error during jamb registration process, such candidates are to seek correction from the Board and not to obtain a fresh application as doing so would attract sanction.

jamb eligibility checker

JAMB Eligibility Checker

Candidates are advised to check their eligibility for chosen programmes and institutions on Select “quick links”, and then It is important that candidates check the requirements before commencing the application process.

The jamb eligibility checker assists candidates with options of programmes (courses) based on their qualifications. It can also be accessed directly via :

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