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Search results for: “label/adsense tutorials”
Benefits of Adsense Viewability Metrics To Bloggers and Advertisers
Google recently introduced Active View metrics in Adsense accounts, to track the viewability of ads served by AdSense: that is, the percentage of ads that are considered viewable out of the total number of ads measured. The Google’s ad viewability measurement solution uses the online ad industry standard: a display ad is counted as viewable…
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12 Ways I Make Money Online as a Nigerian
I am proudly a Nigerian making real, legal money online. I make money without worrying about Paypal and other challenges that discourage many Nigerians from making money online. Mind you, I don’t waste my time engaging in schemes like Surveys, Paid to Read Emails. Believe it or not, I make money everyday. In this post,…
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How I Make Google Adsense Ads Display on Opera Mini Browser
It is no more news that Google Adsense ads on blogspot blogs do not show on Opera Mini browser even if you add the new asynchronous and responsive Google ad codes to your blog. The mobile ready Adsense units (300×50 and 300×250 ad units) which I’ve added to my custom blogger mobile template, display on…
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How To Change Blogger Mobile Template To Mobstac
For over a year now, I have been using mobstac to power the mobile version of my blog because it allows me to display custom and google ads to people that read my blog with Opera mini and some other mobile browsers. If you’re monetizing your blogger blog with Google Adsense and have activated the…
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How To Add Tabs To Mobstac Site
If you have created the mobile version of your blog using, you can easily add navigation tabs to your mobstac site right from your mobstac dashboard. This will enable visitors to your blog to easily navigate the sections of your mobstac site. Looking closely at the header region of, you will see the…
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