UBA Africard: Naira Visa Prepaid Card For Online Payments


This is a guest post compiled by Ibidapo Fabinu. 

With the help of “Facebook ads” and “Google Adwords“, you can easily advertise your products and services to your target audience. While hunting for a way to pay for Facebook Ads, I tried GTB Naira Mastercard but Facebook declined it despite the fact that I have even activated the card with the GTBank Token. While sourcing for alternative card I can use to pay for the Facebook ads, I came across UBA AfriCard which worked perfectly for me.

How To Get the UBA AfriCard

Wondering how I got my Africard within 24 hours? Well, I walked in to the nearby UBA branch office and told the lady at the Customer Care desk that I need the UBA Africard.  She asked me of the ID card I have and I told her that I have a VALID driver’s license. She also asked me if I have N1000 with me and I told her I have it. She also asked if I have Passport Photograph , I answered “yes”. I also gave her a photocopy of a current PHCN (NEPA) bill.

She then gave me two forms to fill, in which I filled in my Personal details and the details of my ID (My driver’s license). Inside the form, you will see an option asking you if want a Non-personalized or a personalized one. The personalized one comes with your name embossed on the card while the generic one doesn’t. I  personally went for the the non personalized one because I didn’t want to wait for extra days before I get my card.

I returned the form to her and waited for the processing. After processing it, she gave me a teller, told me to fill it and took it to the cashier, together with my 1000naira notes. After depositing the 1000naira, I went back to the Customer care rep and the lady told me to wait a little more so I can get my card.

After some few minutes, the Visa prepaid card was issued to me. I changed the pin there in the bank ATM . I was even surprised they left N400 in the card. That simply means N600 was deducted to process the card as at the time I received mine.

Today, I logged in to my FB Ads account, added the card and Facebook accepted it. The debt I owed was cleared and within few seconds, I received sms alerts on my phone from UBA bank that some funds were deducted from my account for Facebook Ads.

I can now run more campaigns on Facebook, Google and even shop online at Aliexpress.com. I have also successfuly used the card at Hostgator.com.


1. You can also use your International passport as means of Identity as alternative to the Driver’s license.
2. You can withdraw funds from ATM machines with this Visa card.
3 It is NOT COMPULSORY you have a bank account with UBA bank for you to get the Prepaid Visa Card.
4. UBA will charge you N105 every time you load the card and anytime you transact online with the card, you will also be charged 2.75% of the transaction amount.

I hope this info helps

If you know other alternative Naira-denominated cards that can be used for online payments kindly share them via the comment form below. Please, if you are also an Africard holder, you can also share websites you have successfully used the card.

You can check out the features and benefits of  UBA Africard and how to check balance of your Africard here.


This post was written by Ibidapo Fabinu.  He is the brain behind NigeriaUniversityNews.com.
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16 responses to “UBA Africard: Naira Visa Prepaid Card For Online Payments”

  1. Mary Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your experience but how much is the charge per transaction ?

  2. Joe Avatar

    Can I use the card on ipage.com?

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks for your post
    I have been trying to pay for goods on Alliexpress with my UBA Africard without success
    They initially accepted payment , then canceled the order for security reasons
    They requested for my card image both front and back and ID card
    I sent them the card image but covered the number
    It appears they are hell bent in getting my card number which I am not willing to divulge
    I am yet to have my money refunded after about one month of making payment to them
    They say my money is not with them but with my bank
    Could you kindly let me know if you went through the same procedure

  4. Azubuike Avatar

    Yea, the UBA Africard Visa Card is cool but I think it doesn't work with all stores, Take for instance, I tried buying domain from namecheap but the payment didn't go through.

    This was the error message I got from Namecheap: "[FAILED]
    Reason(if available):You are attempting access from a prohibited IP address" and I'm sure it aint from my end cos I've tried using both USA, Israel and Nigeria ip adresses, all to no avail.
    I have even forgotten the login portal

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      You cannot use a Nigerian card with a NON-Nigerian IP and also with a non-Nigerian info on a site like Namecheap.com. If you do so, your transaction will be declined.

  5. Teacher Avatar

    oga what if i have accnt with them, hw much will they cost 4 any payment i made? Thanks

  6. Matin Ikwune Avatar

    Can i use my friend i d card in the bank cos i don't have mine or wat do i do to see i get d card

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Has anyone tried uba on fiverr.com. Please share your experience. Thanks

    1. Odira Avatar

      Ya I have used UBA Africard on Fiverr and I didn't experience any problem at all.

  8. Odira Avatar

    Thanks for the info. Recently I made a transaction of 1 dollar and I was charged additional fee of N35, that is N202+N35 for 1 dollar transaction. That's about 17%. I was wondering if this is a new service charge or is it because the amount is too small. I was trying to find out what their current exchange rate is which I found out to be N202 for 1 dollar but the 17% charge is alarming. Has anybody used the Africard recently? How did it go?

  9. olanrewaju Avatar

    hello please i want to host with namecheap but my diamondd/wema visa cards was declined and i tried uba mastercard too its samething. which atm card again can i use

    1. jidetheblogger Avatar

      try access bank visa card and gtbank dollar card

      1. Henry Avatar

        Can the UBA africard be used to verify a foreign paypal account?

  10. Ify Michael Avatar
    Ify Michael

    i just got my UBA africard but it doesnt work on fiverr.com. do i need to wait for hours or days?

  11. Nsikak Avatar

    Can i use my diamond bank visa card and buy at aliexpress?

  12. Emmanuel Timilehin Avatar
    Emmanuel Timilehin

    What are the things the bank looks for in your nepa bill?


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