UCweb Download: Free Mobile Browser For Phones and Tablets


UC browser (ucweb) is a free mobile browser that supports both wap and web page browsing. With UC browser, you could put the internet into your pocket and enjoy mobile life in a faster and easier way. UC Browser is currently available on thousands of handsets and has different versions, including Symbian, Java, Windows Mobile, Smart phone and iPhone, Android and Blackberry.

I have downloaded ucweb browser to my Blackberry and iPad and I am really enjoying it. Apart from the beautiful interface, I am so much in love with the powerful download management features like resume from breakpoint. You can download instantly to your mobile device with the ucweb mobile browser. I have downloaded alot of latest musics, videos from wapdam and sefan.ru using the free ucweb handler.

If you are looking for mobile browser download that can also serve as a download manager for your phone, then you have to download ucweb browser asap.

How To Get The Latest UC Browser

To download UC Browser to your phone, visit http://wap.ucweb.com using your existing mobile web browser, and choose the language and latest version. I recommend you download the signed version. You will also download UC browser for Android from the link.

You can also get the ucweb for Blackberry by visiting wap.ucweb.com using your blackberry web browser. After installing to your bb, make sure you set the network settings to BIS.

You can download UC browser for iPad, iPhone at iTunes App Store.  When I tried downloading music from wapdam with the UCbrowser for iPad, the music did not download as it does on phones and Blackberry. Instead, it opened the link in Safari browser and auto-played the music. To download the music, all I did was to copy the file url from the safari address bar and paste it in Goodreader app for iPad which downloaded the music directly onto my iPad.

Feel free to edit the ucweb settings according to your preference via the menu.

Note: UC Browser is free but your service provider may charge for the traffic when downloading and surfing with UC Browser. You can only browse free with the UC browser if you configure it with working ucweb cheat.

I hope this helps..


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6 responses to “UCweb Download: Free Mobile Browser For Phones and Tablets”

  1. custom essay Avatar

    Good post. I really like it.

  2. Abdex Avatar

    I downloaded UC web browser but it's not working with BlackBerry. Any help? pls.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Launch it, go to "Settings" and select BIS under the network settings.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Am using nokia 6111 and is not working on it. Pls any help?

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    I ve it on my bb but when I try to type a web address, I don't see the address on the bar.. Pls help

  5. Blueductour Avatar

    I used the ucweb browser in my iphone to download a movie but I can't retrieve the movie using itunes cuz it wouldn't show but I can see it in the downloads section of the browser. Please any help?


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