Unable To Add App Domains To New Facebook Application? Try This Fix


While trying to get a Facebook App ID for a site yesterday, I noticed that the way I create new Facebook applications has changed. “App Domains” field has been added to the basic app settings page while the “Site URL” field is no longer visible until you add a new platform.

You must add a new platform before you can enter your domain name in the “App “Domains” field, if not, it will not save and it will display the error message below:

This must be derived from Canvas URL, Secure Canvas URL, Site URL, Mobile Site URL, Page Tab URL or Secure Page Tab URL.

To fix the problem, click on the “+Add Platform” tab on the App Settings page. Select “Website” if you want to get App ID for your site or blog. Thereafter, you will see the “Site URL” and “Mobile Site URL” fields where you can enter your site URL as seen below:

After saving the settings, you can then enter your domain name in the “App Domains” field as seen above. If you now save the settings, it will save successfully.

That’s all.

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7 responses to “Unable To Add App Domains To New Facebook Application? Try This Fix”

  1. Timothy Avatar

    This is the exact reason I couldn't generate Facebook comment form for my blog. I clicked everywhere to find the site url box but couldnt find it. never knew I now have to add a platform first. Thx for this info Jide. So helpful.

  2. Picreel Avatar

    Thanks for showing me the way.

  3. Jyoti Singh Avatar

    thanx for this

  4. Heespandexx Avatar

    Thank you so much for this, i was creating the map, testing out, it gave me the app-domain error, i was like, what the hell do i need to do, i did make apps on fb but never filled in app-domains, thanks to you, i know now how to do it 🙂

  5. Alexis Wilke Avatar
    Alexis Wilke

    There is also the URL to the privacy policy and terms & conditions now. They do not save either unless you have a Website URL entered.

  6. Molly Simoni Avatar

    Hello! Question for you since your explanation makes perfect sense. 🙂 I’m trying to add domains and it’s giving me the error message even though I selected Web as the platform when setting up the app. I tried to re-select it by adding platform and the website option is now grey and not available. I’m assuming because I already selected it when setting up the app. I’ve added my privacy policy URL already so that’s done. But still getting the error that app domains must match the domain of the…. what exactly am I supposed to be entering in the App Domain section? I’m trying to link Facebook through Slack Social and get the error on that site “Can’t Load URL because domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains….” So do I need to add a domain for slack social or is it for my app? Sorry new to this so appreciate your input! Thank you!

  7. Amara Avatar

    Kindly help me my fb not login with ludo star


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