Wapday.com: download free themes, games, videos, wallpapers, animations to phones


At www.wapday.com, I download themes, mobile videos (including comedies), wallpapers, animations to my android, Nokia phone and Blackberry FREE of charge. New content including popular games are always added to the site, hence you can always get fresh content anytime you visit the site.

Games lovers can also get game cheats from the site. You can use the search box on the “games cheats” page, to easily get the cheats for your favorite games. The featured wapday games are also interesting and easy to play.

Wapday.com also features some cool mobile services which include: language translator, currency converter, food recipes, famous quotes, fun facts etc. The site is quite loaded.

Visit http://wapday.com with your mobile phone to start exploring the free content.

Wapday Themes Download Tips

To download free themes at wapday, click on the “Personalization” and “Tools” sub-categories under the “Android Apps” category on the sidebar. Thereafter, you will be able to download free themes of your choice by scanning QR code or by downloading them directly from the Google play store.

You can download free music (mp3) to your phone at Wapdam and download free games (including Pro Evolution soccer) at sefan.ru.

I recommend UC browser for downloading content to your mobile phone.

Feel free to bookmark the site on your phone for easy access. I am sure you gonna love it.


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9 responses to “Wapday.com: download free themes, games, videos, wallpapers, animations to phones”

  1. Bimpe Avatar

    Thanks for sharing. Will add this to my favourites which include: tagtag, waptricks, wapdam

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Yes, those sites are cool too

  2. Amit Shaw Avatar

    Wow Great. I would love to give it a try.
    Thanks Jide for sharing this.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      You welcome bro. Thanks for the comment

  3. The A.J Geek Avatar

    There are some I also know of, like
    sefan.mobi (for Games)
    and gsmjava.net they are cool too

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      thanks alot for sharing these sites. WIll check them out.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    pls how can i get LG KU 990 themes

  5. Javed alam Avatar
    Javed alam

    Thank you for the main. And other mind.

  6. Chapatti Avatar

    That's a great one. i apreciate this. I have been able to download some games anyway


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