WhatsApp Business App Lets Businesses Easily Connect With Their Customers


WhatsApp Business app which is free to download, is a standalone mobile app built with the small business owner in mind. With the app, businesses can interact with customers easily by using tools to automate, sort, and quickly respond to messages.

If you have separate business and personal phone numbers, you can now use two whatsapp apps on your smartphone. All you have to do, is to install WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp for Business app on the same phone, and register them with different numbers.

Features of Whatsapp Business App

BUSINESS PROFILE: Create a profile for your business to help your customers find valuable information — like your business description, location, website, email, opening hours etc

whatsapp business profile features


BUSINESS MESSAGING TOOLS: Be more responsive to your customers by using :

  • Away Messages to indicate that you’re away;
  • Quick Replies to save and reuse messages you frequently send;
  • Greeting Message to introduce your new contacts/customers to your business.

whatsapp for business messaging tools

LABELS : With this, you can easy sort or label your Whatsapp contacts as new orders, paying customers, pending payments, paid and complete orders. You can also
create your own labels.

whatsapp label features


STATISTICS : Access important metrics such as how many of your messages were successfully sent, delivered, and read.


LANDLINE/FIXED NUMBER SUPPORT: You can use WhatsApp Business with a landline (or fixed) phone number and your customers can message you on that number. During verification, select the “Call me” option to receive the code over a phone call.


RUN BOTH WHATSAPP MESSENGER AND WHATSAPP BUSINESS: You can use both WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger on the same phone, but each app must have its own unique phone number.


WHATSAPP WEB: You can more efficiently respond to your customers right from your computer’s browser.

WhatsApp Business is built on top of WhatsApp Messenger and includes all the features that you rely on, such as the ability to send multimedia, free calls*, free international messaging*, group chat, offline messages, and much more.

How To Download WhatsApp Business App

You can download whatsapp business app for Android from Google Play store.

Whatsapp business app for iOS (iPhone, iPAd) not yet available.

Note :

  • You cannot edit your profile name on Whatsapp business app once created.
  • If you are trying to use the same number you use on the normal WhatsApp messenger for WhatsApp for Business, you won’t be able to acess the Whatsapp messenger app anymore with the same number once you use it for the Whatsapp business app, although your chats, contacts can be sync to the Whatsapp business app.



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One response to “WhatsApp Business App Lets Businesses Easily Connect With Their Customers”

  1. chris Avatar

    I really love this when I found out it was already in my country…Whatsapp business app is one thing every small business will keep being thankful to Whatsapp team for having them in mind and making life and business this easy for them…


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