Codes for Google+, Twitter and Facebook Follow Buttons


Adding the Google+, Twitter and Facebook follow buttons to your Blogger or WordPress blog will make it easy for your blog visitors to easily follow you on those social networks without having to leave your blog.

The Facebook Follow button lets people subscribe to your public updates on Facebook. It is not for Facebook pages.

Below is what the buttons will look like on your blog:

If you want to add the buttons to your blog, copy the code below in HTML/Javascript gadget (if Blogger) or a text widget (if WordPress).

<div class=”fb-follow”
data-colorscheme=”light” data-layout=”button_count”
data-show-faces=”false”></div> <p>
<a href=”
class=”twitter-follow-button” data-show-screen-name=”false”>Follow
@jide_ogunsanya</a></p> <p>
class=’g-follow’ data-annotation=’bubble’ data-height=’24’

Replace the Facebook username, Twitter handle and Google+ URL with yours.

: If you’ve not added the Facebook SDK and Twitter script on your blog, the buttons might not display.

I hope this works for you. 

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5 responses to “Codes for Google+, Twitter and Facebook Follow Buttons”

  1. Kike Avatar

    Will try it. Thanks Jide

  2. Tuham Sanusi Avatar

    Thanks for the share bro, A cool and simple social buttons widget for personal profile.

  3. Osafele Fredrick Avatar

    Nice one bro keep it up

  4. Ogunseye Micheal Avatar

    how can i add the Facebook SDK and Twitter script on my blog. the buttons refused to appear

  5. Osundare Toheeb Avatar

    cant really say how grateful i am. thank you mr jide, but i think the facebook like doesnt seems performing well. pls we will bw so glad if you can help us improve on that


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