Blog Of The Week : Naija Single Girl Blog


Naija Single Girl has emerged the blog of the week; the first time a blog owned by a female Nigerian Blogger will be featured.

This is the third blog to be showcased for free on this blog, since I called for submission of Blog URLs here.  Arsenal NewsPaper and Maverick Excel Blog were the first and second respectively.

Naijasinglegirl blog is run by the self-acclaimed ‘Chairlady of single girls in Nigeria’ popularly known as NSG.

The blog started out as a personal blog but has slowly evolved into a lifestyle blog.

NaijaSingleGirl blogs about every issue imaginable, from her experiences as a single girl in Nigeria, her boyfriend hunting experiences, her job interview experiences which always turns out sour, to her opinion on general happenings in Nigeria. e.g How she feels about Linda Ikeji’s Banana Island Mansion.

The blog is sub categorised under three major sections.

Convos: Where no hold barred topics are discussed. e.g Is using MTN cheat to browse a sin?

Features: Which may or may not include guest submissions.

NSG Journal: Which is NaijaSingleGirl’s documented diary.

naija single girl blog

When she is not blogging about how she wasn’t served food at a wedding after she paid for an expensive asoebi, she is telling her readers that Sheraton Hotel male toilet, Accenture Headquarters car park and Banana Island backyard gate are three of top twenty five places to meet a rich husband in Lagos and sometimes.

She also writes provocative posts like an open letter to MTN or Emeka, whoever he is.

Her blog about page states “She is on a quest to find a good man, a good job, good food, good money and all other good things life has to offer.’’

Many at times, her male readers says she is the voice of the hustling Nigerian youth.

Her female readers on the other hand would say she has a way of revealing the darkest secrets of Nigerian ladies in the most hilarious way.

She was voted last year as the best humour blog in Nigeria and the best personal/lifestyle blog in Nigeria by the Nigerian Blog Awards.

Lest I forgot to mention, she runs the blog anonymously so you can propose to her at your own risk…lol

You can check out her blog at :

You can however follow her on Twitter : @Naijasinglegirl
On Facebook at Naijasinglegirl
Add her on Instagram @Naijasinglegirl
Let me hear your view via comments. 
You can as well drop your blog url, what it is all about and your social media links. 

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40 responses to “Blog Of The Week : Naija Single Girl Blog”

  1. Gift Adene Avatar

    that's cool
    I like her blogging style

    jide when u go feature my own blog?

    1. Chidera Henry Avatar

      Yea Jide nd me too

  2. Gist pluz Avatar

    – Nigerian Blog for Tech and Free browsing tweak on all Network across Nigerian..

    – Facebook page

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    powered by Emeka Nwonye……………

  3. BelieveAll Outreach Blog Avatar

    Nice blog, i must say.

    Oga Jide, please here is my Faith blog and i wish it will make blog of the week one day. Thanks for the good works you are doing here.

  4. Emmanuel Ekanem Avatar

    Mehn i love her blog, will be checking it when am sad, so that i'll be happy. No1 Best Tutors Tech Blog In Nigeria : Nobleloaded

    1. Naija Singlegirl Avatar

      lol. Thank you

  5. Paulson Ikenna Kyrian Avatar

    A blog about the best football team in the world, out here to support Arsenal. You can check in anytime to get updated with what is happening at the club


  6. Helyz Akande Avatar

    Yeah! My question to all bloggers is – What is Blogging all about? Making Money, Expressing your heart to others, monetizing e.t.c.
    All @ – "Develop it, Do it, Tell it"

  7. Johnson ofonimeh Avatar

    Wow, Jide, i am of a strong and formidable conviction that sooner or later you will top the list of African most influential and catalytic blogger. Without wasting time, here is
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  8. Omale Joseph Avatar

    Nice blog..

    Get this blog for only N5,000
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  9. Akpene Jacob Avatar

    Wao such a nice blog she got…I just wish my blog will be featured one day.

    My blog is

    Lasgidi Online is just a website that will be giving you the latest activities in Lagos and Nigeria such as Entertainment, News, Music and Videos, Events, Fashion, Comedy Skits and Politics.

    You can follow us on Twitter/Facebook @lasgidionline

    1. Naija Singlegirl Avatar

      Thank you Akpene. I'm honored Jide

  10. marve john Avatar

    Hi jide, thanks for this
    My blog is http//
    MJD is a place were i share business ideas, for small, new, big businesses.
    Aside from that, i also blog about relationships, health. travel and food..
    i believe that if you have a healthy relationship, you will produce better results in your business and health. thats why i combined them.

    my social handle are:-
    twitter:- @marvejohndaily
    Instagram:- @marve_ella

    thanks so much

  11. Miss Rukky Avatar

    Wow Nice blog.

    please visit my Entertainment blog-

  12. Victor Kachi Avatar

    Wish mine too will be listed here soon… i blog @

  13. Abeg Shift Avatar

    NSG is the truth!
    Always has been!
    Always will be!!
    Love you NSG…..your forever fan

  14. Hope Uchemadu Avatar

    very nice and social blog, she is on a good mission to excel…My dear, you will get there soon….

    1. Naija Singlegirl Avatar

      Amen. Thank you

  15. uthman saheed Avatar

    Just checked out the blog, its nice and I love her writing skills. Though, I don't like anonymous bloggers.

    Knowing the real blogger behind the scene of any blog gives me an emotional few about the blog. Creating personal relationship and others. But not possible to do that with an anonymous.

    Great work.

    1. Naija Singlegirl Avatar

      Lol. Thank you

    2. Naija Singlegirl Avatar

      Thank you 🙂

  16. Tunde Sanusi Avatar

    Nice blog she's got. Been long since i've been her reader, and once featured her on my tech blog here. Hope to meet her personally one day cos we have things in common.
    Bro, here's my lifestyle blog details.
    url – TuhamWorld.Com
    Bio – ..blogging 'bout Lifestyle, stories, and little bit of motivation.

  17. Deon Dazy Avatar

    Nice one here Jide, really a good blog to pass free time on.

    I blog @ I'm a web developer giving tutorials about web/graphic design, web development and wordpress development (basically all about web development and design + graphics)

    facebook — Tutsdose
    twitter — @tutsdose

    Cheers boss

  18. Marx Oduogu Avatar

    Nice to meet your blog her
    Keep it up.

    You are Free to get me on Modernize Technology
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  19. Official Mokoshalb Global Pimpz Avatar

    Mr. Jide, nice one there… Keep the good work rolling.. take your time to view my blog…

  20. Adeboye Adeoye Avatar

    My Gs(hey! na my mum and sisters o:))have been looking at me like 'Ki a lo se Deboye' Lol. Dem no know say that NSG dey make me laugh like "A man with a big P"

    Seriously, you're one damn good writer! You've got a nice blog design, funny yet great post, the audience… what else? Money??? I'll be willing to help *wink* #TeamNSG Keep it up…

    1. Naija Singlegirl Avatar

      Okay I will send acc number soon 🙂

  21. Tunde Sanusi Avatar

    Nice and interesting blog.
    Signed – NSG Blog reader

  22. Chibuzor Aguwa Avatar

    Nice blog she have, I wish my blog will be featured someday.

  23. phanstorm Avatar

    I like her blog

  24. Word edwin Avatar

    oga jide you too much,.,. i know some day i will produce your kind of result on the web. .,.thanks for the privilege.,

  25. Gossip Chef Avatar

    She does a great job and is currently at the no.1 spot for that keyword.

    But bros try feature me sef


  26. Gigi Avatar

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  27. Gigi Avatar

    great article

  28. Owomide Martins Avatar

    Wow this is just great.I wish my Health and Lifestyle


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