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Tag: adsense
Why Your Blog Page Views Not Same As Adsense PageViews
If Google AdSense is reporting lesser pageviews than your stats program, you’re not alone. If you’re a Google AdSense publisher, you might have noticed that the pageviews reported in your AdSense dashboard are lower than those shown in Blogger stats, JetPack Stats, StatCounter, Google Analytics or whatever other website statistics program you use. This is…
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How To Add Another Website To Your Google Adsense Account
Google Adsense has “My sites” feature which allows Adsense publishers to build a list of websites to use in site-related actions, such as setting up site-level blocking rules. In this post, I want to quickly share with you, how to use the feature to add websites to adsense account. How To Get Started Sign in…
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How To Remove Google Adsense Auto Ads From Your Blog
Google Adsense auto ads was unveiled recently by Google to ease the way publishers place Google ads on their blogs. By placing just a piece of code on your blog, Google will be able to automatically show ads where they are likely to perform on your blog. If you’ve enabled the Google auto ads on…
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Adsense Auto Ads : Benefits, How To Place Code On Blogger, WordPress and View Reports
Google has officially unveiled Adsense Auto Ads; a system that uses machine learning to not only determine the types of ads people see on blogs, but how they’re placed. The AI technology will decide how many ads are appropriate for a page and where to put them. If you are a blogger, Adsense Auto Ads…
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Add Ads.Txt File To Blogger Blogs via Settings
Support for the Authorized Digital Seller (ads.txt) protocol has been launched for Blogspot/Blogspot blogs. So, you can now manually set up the content of the ads.txt file via Blogger settings without the need of uploading any file to Blogger’s root directory, which doesn’t exists. If your blog is not monetized, or it’s only configured to…
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Adsense Now Allows Placement of 320×250 Ad Banner Above The Fold On Mobile Pages
After publishing how I modify my Google Adsense responsive ad code to display 320×250 ad banner above fold (visible part of the screen without scrolling down the page) on mobile webpages, I’ve received some emails from some bloggers, asking me if such modification no longer violates Adsense policy. Well, it no longer does. Google no…
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How I Make Adsense Responsive Ad Code To Display 300×250 Banner On Mobile
If you discover that your Adsense responsive ad code doesn’t display the size of ad banner you would like it to display, you can modify your ad code to meet the requirements of your responsive site. So, instead of your responsive ad code to be displaying 300×100 banner above the fold, you can force it…
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Google Can Now Disable Adsense Ads On Specific Pages Instead of Entire Site
Based on direct feedback from publishers, to how Adsense policies are enforced and communicated to publishers, Google has announced the introduction of policy actions at the page level and a new policy center for publishers that use Adsense. Altogether, this means fewer disruptions and more ads transparency for publishers. Before now, if you violate Google…
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Google Plans To Disable Adsense Ads On Fake News Sites
People are taking advantage of social networks to make money using fake news. False news stories have become a sore point after the U.S. presidential elections with critics blaming internet companies like Twitter and Facebook for having had an influence on the outcome of the elections as a result of the fake content including the…
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Frozen Adsense Earnings Now Fixed
I woke up this morning to discover that information in Adsense has stopped updating. Adsense earnings was just static at $0.00. Some bloggers called my phone to ask if I was experiencing same while some were busy tagging me on Facebook just to know if I’ve noticed same. I discovered that it was a general…
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