How To Remove Google Adsense Auto Ads From Your Blog


Google Adsense auto ads was unveiled recently by Google to ease the way publishers place Google ads on their blogs. By placing just a piece of code on your blog, Google will be able to automatically show ads where they are likely to perform on your blog.

If you’ve enabled the Google auto ads on your Blogger or WordPress blog and you are not satisfied with your Adsense earnings, you can easily remove the auto ads from your blog.


Simply navigate to where you’ve added the Adsense auto ads code and delete the code from your blog.

Below is what the adsense auto ads code looks like :

adsense auto ads code

If your blog is a Blogger/Blogspot blog, you would have likely added the code to your blog’s html.

So, navigate to “Theme” > “Edit HTML” and look for the code, right above the </head> tag, delete it and do not forget to click Save.

If your blog is powered by hosted WordPress, you might have added the code to your blog using a plugin e.g “Insert Headers and Footers” plugin. Hence, you will have to navigate to the plugin settings and delete the Adsense auto ads code from there.

If you added the code directly into your WordPress theme file, you will have to navigate to the WordPress editor and edit the file. Please, remember to save changes.

I hope this helps.

Recommended : How To Add Google Adsense Auto Ads To Blogger and WordPress Blogs

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8 responses to “How To Remove Google Adsense Auto Ads From Your Blog”

  1. OKOYE H.p.C Avatar
    OKOYE H.p.C

    I recently disabled this stuff, so annoying.

  2. Odot Abraham Avatar
    Odot Abraham

    boss is not working

  3. Miracle Offorma Avatar
    Miracle Offorma

    Nice post. Some people do find it difficult removing such ads on their blog

  4. Emmanuel Adedeji Avatar
    Emmanuel Adedeji

    I recently bought an adsense from a seller on nairaland and each time i place an ads on my blog it refused to work or display on my blog, don’t know if you can check it

  5. Paul Divine Avatar
    Paul Divine

    thank you sir.

  6. Great Avatar

    I recently verified my pin buh ads not showing

  7. Chris Avatar

    When I saw this post of disabling Adsense Auto ads, I knew there was definitely a problem with it. I have used it for a while and couldn’t get much though. The truth is, you might not earn much with it because most times, potential ads are displayed just where the viewers especially mobile users will not see it.

    To really make much from adsense, use very few ads, put them strategic positions for increased CTR and then blog for the right people in the right way to get a high CPC. Too much ads results in less competition from advitisers and eventually lower CPC while few ads, 2 or 3 increases competition and CPC.

    Thanks for the article. Currently, I am using manual ads placement and everything seems to work fine.

  8. Benson Chidiebere Avatar
    Benson Chidiebere

    Thanks for sharing this content sire, but please I have a question!

    Can I change my adsense payee details like bank name and bank details? I recently bought a payment received verified adsense account, my problem is how to change the bank details.

    Please send me a feedback sire.


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