Online Training Portal For Catfish Farming, Snail Rearing, Soft Skills etc Launched in Nigeria


The social, political and economic climate around the world is fluid and continues to evolve such that has made it imperative for individuals and indeed households to have many sources of income as a guard against unforeseen circumstances.

Think about this!:

Why is it that in the midst serious personal-finance and global economic crisis; with jobs and homes being lost, some people are happily moving ahead while many others still find it alarmingly difficult to apply themselves to emerging challenges!

Indeed, many are already left behind; while a lot of others are just wallowing in modern ignorance; confused and unaware of glaring opportunities and what to do.

Fortunately, 3-ALPHA Global Training Consult (3-ALPHA GTC) has positioned itself to help individuals to fill-in the gap such that would enable them obtain necessary skills and know-how to face the challenges ahead.


By introducing to the Nigerian market, a Life-changing Online Training Portal for the benefit of all.

3-ALPHA GTC have put together SHORT ONLINE multimedia training to give you the soft-skills you need to succeed in whatever you do. The courses can make you successful, earn you financial independence and make you a self-made business leader.

And more! –

You will also get to look at things differently and turn your life around for good! Don’t just live; – live to make a positive difference in life!

You also get a Certificate for every course you offer. Deal of the century!

There are currently five (5) courses on the portal;

> two (2) Self-Development Courses and
> three (3) are Agro Case-Study Courses.

The Self Development Courses are:-

1. Be Your Own Boss Softskills
2. Become Self-Made Softskills

The Agro Case-Study Courses are:

1. Catfish Farming:-Silent Route to Millions.
2. Snail Rearing:-Cool  Millions from Home.
3. Quail Bird farming:-The Untapped Money Spinner

You are just Three (3) Steps away!!!

  1. Check available COURSES and make your choice(s)
  2. Register and run the FREE lessons of your selected course(s).
  3. Make payment and run the rest of your Course modules.

To benefit from this laudable feat and get yourself prepared for the future, please visit:

How To Access Free CatFish Farming Lesson

Go to the Catfish farming course page here.

Click on the “12.5USD for 1 Week Access” link in the video training window. Then, click on the “submit” button. Provide your email and enter it again. Set your password. Then, you will get access to the FREE lessons of the course.

You can follow same steps to access free lessons of other courses available on the portal.

At no time has this become most important for individuals to take charge of their lives than now.  So, skill up now.

If you’ve challenges accessing the free lessons, please let me know.

You can also contact the facilitator : – 0703 810 0524

Pls SHARE with friends. Thank You!

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One response to “Online Training Portal For Catfish Farming, Snail Rearing, Soft Skills etc Launched in Nigeria”

  1. Naija Voice Avatar

    What about the Practical? you know that Theory isnt that same as Practical Guide so after successful training will I come for real Live Practice?


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