10 Essential Things You Need To Have In Your House Before Labour Strike Starts


From Evernote:

10 Essential Things You Need To Have In Your House Before Labour Strike Starts

Before the labour strike starts in Nigeria, on Monday, January 9, 2012, there are 10 essential things you need to have in your house. I got this as a broadcast from one of my bbm contacts and I decided to share with you.

Let’s get started.

1. GAS COOKER and/or KEROSENE STOVE: Will aid cooking, heating, boiling and steaming. (Please do not rely on electric burners, boiling rings etc, power is not guaranteed during this period).

2. PETROL and/or DIESEL: Sounds strange but you will need to power your generator to charge your phones. Hopefully, this will be the last time you will buy petrol at N141 and above.

3. DESKTOP CHARGER and/or EXTRA BATTERY: You will need to get an extra desktop charger and battery, so that your phone will be on always on.

4. WATER: Fill up all overhead tanks and buckets in your houses with water. Very necessary, if you are married with kids. You may need 2 reuse water e.g use same water used for washing to flush toilets.

5. BOOKS/NOVELS/TOYS/ PICTORIAL MAGAZINES/ GAMES/CARDS/CHESS/LUDO etc: If you have kids, they will become restless this period, so you need to keep them busy. If you get bored easily as well, you need to find other ways to keep yourself busy.

6. TOILETRIES: Endeavour to get toilet rolls, toothpaste, soaps, detergents, creams, pads etc

arrangements for enough airtime on your phones.

8. BISCUITS/SWEETS/NUTRI C/ GUMS etc: Very important for kids, particularly when they start getting restless.

9. CONTRACEPTIVES/CONDOMS: The strike will make busy couples, who rarely see themselves during the day, come in close contact. Many wives will romantically love it and the last thing we need is to increase the number of the family, due to NLC/TUC strike.

10. FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD: I deliberately made this the last item but it is the most crucial. Provisions (cornflakes, milk, beverage, sugar etc); noodles; ingredients; staple foods; bread, butter, garri etc. The list is non-exhaustive as concerns food.

Wondering why the strike? Well, it is because of the hike in price of gas in Nigeria as a result of government removal of subsidy. You can get updated info about this on Twitter via #occupynigeria.

Please, share this with friends.

Feel free to comment on this.

God bless Nigeria.
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5 responses to “10 Essential Things You Need To Have In Your House Before Labour Strike Starts”

  1. Chibuike Avatar

    This strike will be great. May God save us during this period. http://www.uwakwereflections.com

  2. otobong Avatar

    Lol! This is so funny. But what happens if someone can't afford these things.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      The person will just keep fasting at home…lol

  3. Engr Abdul Avatar

    Eyyah. I'm late to see this post, I'm gonna subscribe to your email updates so that I won't miss future ones

  4. term paper Avatar

    Interesting post.

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