24 Graphics Packs: Get Clean WordPress Themes, Ecover Templates, MiniSite Design etc

Today, I am introducing you to a mind-blowing graphics tool box which a friend of mine, Peter Emu is giving out at a crazy price for a limited period. The Graphics toolbox contains graphics packs that will enable you to easily set up beautiful mini sites, awesome squeeze pages, professional ecovers, professional sales pages etc using a “copy and replace” method. Yes, all the difficult tasks has been done for you, all you need to do is copy and replace what you want in the killer graphic package and you are set to create a dazzling mini-site, sales pages and graphics for all your need.

Since it is no more a theory that the more attractive your sales page or packaging of your product to the consumer or customers sight, the better your chances of making more sales. This is not only a fact, but absolute truth… I have sold countless copies of my BulkSMS Reseller manual by just changing the cover design recently.

As it is rightly said, “THE GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF YOUR PRODUCT WILL DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF SALES YOU WILL MAKE” this is true. But if your product is packaged anyhow, then no one will view your site, talkless of looking at your products.

Below are the graphics packs included in the box:

Pack 1: 5 exclusive premium minisite design that come with exclusive headers, footers, action button, HTML templates. You can easily edit the Header Text to reflect your Product offers

Pack 2: Squeeze Page Templates

Pack 3: Exclusive Header Design for your blogs, websites or landing pages

Pack 4: Exclusive Simple and WordPress Themes

Pack 5: Ecover action scripts you can use to create killer cover design such as Magazines, Box cover, DVD case, Spiral book etc

Pack 6: 5 Professional Opt-in form Design

Pack 7: 4 Professional SidebarOpt-in form design

Pack 8: Premium Testimonial Box

Pack 9: Attractive Price Tags Design

Pack 10: Premium Blank Badges

Pack 11: Headlines- SubHeadlines Styles

Pack 12:  Guarantee Certificates

Pack 13: Corner Sign Designs

Pack 14: Menu Elements

Pack 15: Exclusive Photo Frames

Pack 16: Banner Templates

Pack 17: Collection of Call to Action Buttons

Pack 18: Action Buttons for Special offers

Pack 19: 3D Arrows + Animations

Pack 20: Icon Numbers

Pack 21: Bullets Points

Pack 22: Handwritten Texts

Pack 23 + 24: Handwritten Arts (Drawn Bullets & Numbers and Drawn Arrows)

If you ever want to save time and money, while making money online like me, you have to do all you can to get the tool box asap. Believe me, the graphic package will blow your sales off the chart.

Is the Package FREE?

NO.  Costs N5, 000  if you are one of the first 25 people to order for it.

If interested, grab the bank details of my friend here, head straight to the bank and pay N5,000. You will then have to send your payment details to me, as stated on this page, so I can follow it up and make sure you get what you paid for

Check out this page for closer look at the graphic packs 

NOTE: ONCE 25 PEOPLE have grabbed this package, the price will be returned back to its original =N=15,000 that it’s worth.  Once the 25 slots are taken, am sorry, I will not be able to help you furthermore. So, ACT NOW!

P.P.S If you can’t pay now, make a reservation by sending a text message to 07062918898 with the message, “KEEP A COPY FOR ME, I WILL PAY ON….” (please indicate when you will pay) and a copy will be reserved for you.

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3 responses to “24 Graphics Packs: Get Clean WordPress Themes, Ecover Templates, MiniSite Design etc”

  1. naijaedutech Avatar

    THANKS jide FOR this insightful piece. time to get a new theme

  2. Felix Avatar

    Interested. Will make a reservation asap


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