25 Latest MTN Free Browsing Codes:April,2010 Update


It is no more news that you can browse the Internet with your mobile phone free of charge in Nigeria. Today, as part of my birthday gift (April 14) to you, I have decided to share with you some codes which you can use to configure your phone ,so as to browse the Internet free.

These codes have been tested with MTN and rocks with Opera mini, though I do not GUARANTEE that they will work for on your phone for different reasons. If you are using a Nokia phone which allows manual internet configuration, then, these codes should work for you.You can also try the codes with other networks
with just some little changes, at least there is no punishment for trying.
Well, to be able to use these codes, you must know how to edit the IP and Port settings of the internet configuration on your phone. You must also know how to set the APN ( access point) of MTN as the default, if not THESE CODES WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU. If you do not know the APN of MTN or you are you want to know how to activate Internet on your SIM cards, read HOW TO ACTIVATE INTERNET ON GLO,ETISALAT, ZAIN AND MTN NIGERIA.
If you do not have Opera mini 4.2, you can download the Opera mini 4.2 at http://sharemobile.ro/ using the Search engine at the site. 
NOTE: You might not be able to access this website if you are browsing directly on your PC with MTN or ETISALAT IP. You can bypass these restrictions using Proxies or softwares like Your-Freedom.
If you have already installed Opera mini 4.2 browser on your phone and has been working before, then you are good to go. So, just try the codes below:
Edit the MTN Internet settings on your phone with any of the IP addresses above, and set the Port number as 80.Then, launch your Opera Mini 4.2 and put http://wap.mtnonline.com in any of the Custom servers.
If you know where and how to create prov settings, you can use these IPs above when creating the prov settings before pushing it to your phone. Mores so, if you do not have Opera Mini, just edit your internet settings with any of the IP above and then browse through the homepage of the wap/web browser of your
mobile phone.
For the codes below, just edit your Internet settings with any one of them and then use wap.mtnonline.com/t.change.com/nph-proxy.pl/http/server as the trick for your Opera Mini 4.2 Server. port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80 port80
Are you using a phone that doesn’t give you the control to edit the IP and Port of your Internet Settings? Then, do not worry because there are some sites out there where you can create prov settings for phones of such and then send the settings to your phone through bluetooth. Once you receive it, all you just have to do is,save the settings and then you will start browsing free of charge. Remember,GPRS service must be available in your locality, if not, it will never work.
If you have anything to ask,or having problem with your phone, kindly use the comment form, below this post, ON MY BLOG.
In my future posts, I will keep updating you with latest tricks for different networks, browsers and the different free browsing softwares you can always use to surf free in naija.
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Cheers !!!.
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9 responses to “25 Latest MTN Free Browsing Codes:April,2010 Update”

  1. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    You can also try those codes with other networks but make sure that you use the homepage of the network you are trying the codes with, in the opera mini server box. cheers.

  2. Legend Omosco Avatar

    best freebies site in nigeria

  3. moneyonlinetrading.blogspot.com Avatar

    what about browsing with n4o series phone without opera mini?
    do you know mtn just stop free browsing? recently, probably 18 may 2010…..
    is there any new codes or settings or proxies that can browse free on phones? like nokia 6080?

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Pls send the latest mtn and glo free browsing cheat and their proxies. other ones I had have been blocked and do not work again with my operamini anymore.
    Send to pastyno@gmail.com

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    please can u tell me 2010 configuration for nokia 3110c

  6. donald Avatar

    please i want the mtn 2010 mozilarfirfox free browsing

  7. donald Avatar

    please my name is donald dike i want the mozila firefox free browsing configuratio

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    I will like to know if there is any one that knows blackberry cheat for MTN or Etisalat…….royalimage27@yahoo.com

  9. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    some guys are claiming to be browsing free on blackberry via Opera mini but I have not confirmed it.

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