
Bloggers Lab : Facebook Group For Bloggers (Pro/Newbies)

I am using this opportunity to introduce to you, a Facebook Group, named “Bloggers Lab“. Whether you are a pro-blogger, a newbie or interested in blogging irrespective of the blogging platform (Blogger, WordPress etc) , then, you will find the Facebook Group so helpful.

Once you become a member of the group, you can connect to other bloggers and let them know about your blog. Trust me, you will get free traffic instantly once you post the link to your blog on the wall of the group. Remember, the more traffic you drive to your blog, the more the money you stand to make with your blog. You can ask for help, help other bloggers, share links to your posts etc with fellow bloggers in the group.

If you are a newbie blogger or interested in starting your own blog, you can ask for help and fellow members will surely help you out. You will get access to Free ebooks and other freebies once you become a member.

Do not be bothered about the Email Notifications you will be receiving from Facebook once you join, because I have already posted an article on how to stop Facebook groups email notifications.

You can join the group for free.


Hope to see you there.


Jide Ogunsanya
Admin: Bloggers Lab

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Written by Jide Ogunsanya

Pro Nigerian Blogger, Digital Marketer and Web designer. I help business owners to grow their businesses online. You can join my Facebook Group here or join my Telegram Group here.

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  1. But the forum rules say no posting of any url at all except blog tutorial which must be once. So how do one introduces his blog without getting banned and also, is there possibility of futured posts or advertisements on the forum? : Download Games ( Pro Evolution Soccer, Mortal Kombat), Videos etc To Phones

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