Get Free .biz Domain Name from Without Coupon


Earlier this week, after registering a .com domain name for a client who needs a custom domain for her blogspot blog, I noticed .biz version of the same domain name in my Namecheap account. Since I wasn’t charged for it, I ignored it thinking it might be a bug with Namecheap servers.

The next day, I registered another .com domain name and again, noticed the same domain name with .biz extension in the list of domain name I’ve registered on Namecheap. I decided to use Namecheap “LiveChat” to ask if it was a promotion or a bug somewhere. The Live agent that chat with me told me it is a promotion; giving out .biz domain name for free for a year to anyone who registers a .com or .org domain name.

You don’t need to enter any coupon to get the free .biz domain name. Namecheap automatically adds the .biz version of your domain name to your shopping cart as seen in the screenshot below; although you can remove it from the cart.

Wondering what you can do with the free .biz domain name?

Well, you can put it for like .99c on ebay or 1$ on Bido.It might sell! You can also retain it in order to gain access to a wider market, or to protect your name, brand, or product.

Remember, .Biz domains are second only to .com when it comes to business websites and must be used for “bona fide business or commercial use.”

Go to now to register a domain name and get the .biz version for free.


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8 responses to “Get Free .biz Domain Name from Without Coupon”

  1. Folake Avatar

    I also noticed it too yesterday and I don't even know what to use it for but will I start paying for it after one year?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Yes, only free for one year. If you don't want it after one year, you can choose not to renew it.

  2. blinkinzed Avatar

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    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Mail me : jide at ogbongeblog dot com

  3. Jimoh Okoh Avatar

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    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      OK. I will check it out. Thanks

  4. owopetu abiola Avatar

    Wow this is cool Jide.

  5. 9jaeducation Avatar

    Wow this cool chance, weldone Jide.


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