How to add Meta tags to blogger blogs and prevent duplicate meta descriptions


Meta tags are HTML or XHTML tags that describe your blog and tells the search engines what your blog is all about. Meta tags can be used to specify page description, keywords and much more. Many search engines use this information when indexing pages. In this tutorial, I am sharing with you, how to add meta tags to blogger blogs, while also preventing duplicate meta descriptions, which is a known problem with blogger blogs.

You must add the description and keywords meta tags to your blog , if you want to improve your blog SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  The tags are placed inside the head section of your blog template HTML. In description meta tag, you put a description of your blog, telling what your blog is about. In keyword meta tag you put in key words relevant to your blog content eg make money, blogging tips etc

So, How Do I Add the Tags to my blogger blog and prevent duplicate meta descriptions?

1.Sign in to your blogger dashboard, click the ‘Design/Layout’ button
2.Click on the ‘Edit html’ tab
3.Find this code using CTRL + F :

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>

4. Now add the code below just after the above code.

<meta content=’PUT KEYWORDS HERE SEPARATED BY COMMAS’ name=’keywords’/>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>
<meta content=’PUT BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE’ name=’description’/>

The final result should be as shown below.

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>
<meta content=’PUT KEYWORDS HERE SEPARATED BY COMMAS’ name=’keywords’/>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>
<meta content=’PUT BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE’ name=’description’/>

5. SAVE the template.

DO NOT forget to put your keywords and description as stated in the codes above.

Note: This code applies the keyword meta tag to all pages and limit description meta tag to only your homepage.

That’s all.

I hope this helps…

In my future posts, I will share more SEO tips so you can be getting better placement in search engine results.

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13 responses to “How to add Meta tags to blogger blogs and prevent duplicate meta descriptions”

  1. Dan Avatar

    This is great especially preventing the duplicate meta descriptions. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. mr.jim Avatar

    Great..Thanks so much bro

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks the expert, from

  4. Neeraj Rawat Avatar

    Hey Jide,

    how many keywords can be there?how to add blog title?

  5. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    @Neeraj.. go to the settings page of blogger and you will be able to edit the Title from there

  6. government jobs in india Avatar

    Is there any way to automated this process

  7. WebSurfers Avatar

    Thanks bro. I appreciate the hard work you put in here just so we can find help and grow.

  8. Akuneme Christopher Avatar

    Mine could not be parsed

  9. Ologundudu Opeoluwa Abraham Avatar

    do this affect the description on my search preferences on blogger dashboard settings

  10. nigerianscitizens Avatar

    Should the keywords and description be in capital letter?

  11. George Avatar

    i can not find in my blog
    i added this line after the head tag but tempelate show error

  12. Vicky Singh Avatar
    Vicky Singh

    Great informative article on meta tags. Thanks.

  13. Engr Godwin @ Avatar
    Engr Godwin @

    Nice article

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