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How to link Pictures to Web Sites, Affiliate links etc
If you want to link an image to a website, a web page or an affiliate link, this tutorial is for you. This tutorial will explain to you how to link images so that if anyone clicks on the linked image, the person will be taken to your desired web page.
In this tutorial, I assume you have uploaded the picture to somewhere on the internet and have the image url handy. I also assume you know the address you want to link to. This might be a web address or an affiliate link etc
As for me, I have a picture I want to use. The link is:
You can read: ” How I use Blogger to host Images for free ” if you do not know how to host and get url of your image.
Just copy and paste the code below in your “Edit HTML/Javascript” gadget of your blogger blog or anywhere you want to use the linked picture in your blog.
<a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”><img src=”” border=”0″ /></a>
Edit the code with your own details.
==> replace the link in red with the link or address you want to link to
==> replace the link in blue with the url of the image you want to use
Note: The target=”_blank” makes the link to open in a new window when someone clicks on the picture.
SAVE your work.
Thats all. If you view your blog, you should see the picture and if you click on it, it should take you to where you linked it to.
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5 responses to “How to link Pictures to Web Sites, Affiliate links etc”
i dont understand it
which part precisely?
Well, I liked your tips and suggestions as i went through the post and found that your tips actually worked out.
What if i blog with a mobile phone
No problem in as much as you can do all those things explained with your phone
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