How To Link DomainKing Domain Name To Blogger/Blogspot Blog


Ever since DomainKing launched the cheap .com domain offer in Nigeria, many bloggers in Nigeria have been leveraging on the opportunity to get a custom domain for their blogspot blogs. Unfortunately, many of them don’t know how to use the domain name for their Blogger blogs.

Although, I offer the custom domain service for N3,000, I’ve decided to share the steps involved, for free simply because I’m a nice guy 🙂

I assume you have registered the domain name and it’s already active. If not, read : DomainKing Domain Name Registration Guide for Nigerians to get started.

If registered and active, go to domainKing website and log in.

==> Click on “My Domains

==> Click the small arrow next to the domain name you want to use for your Blogger blog.

==> Scroll down to the Management Tools section and click on the “DKNG DNS & Free Email Panel” button

==> Click “Manage DNS Records”

==> Click “Continue to DNS Panel”

 ==> Click on “A Records” tab > “Add A Record”

==> Leave the “Host Name” field empty

==> Enter in the “Destination IPv4 Address” field

==> Click “Add Record”

==> Repeat same for,, so you have four A Records.

==> Click on “CName Records” tab > “Add CName Record”

==> Enter www in the “Host Name” field

==> Enter “” in the Value field. Ensure you select the second option as seen in the screenshot below:

==> Click “Add Record”

==> Open a new tab in your browser and sign in to

==> Go To “Settings” > “Basic” > “Publishing”

==> Click : + Set up a third-party URL for your blog

==> Enter in the box and save. After clicking save, you will see an error message.

==> Copy the details of the second CNAME quoted in the error message ( Label and Target ) and paste somewhere eg notepad

==> Switch back to the domainking page, click “CName Records” > “Add CName Record”

==> Copy the “Label” and paste in the “Host Name” field

==> Copy the “Target” and paste in the “Value” field (2nd option)

==> Click “Add Record”

After 5 – 10 minutes, go back to your Blogger settings page and try saving it again.

If successful, click “edit” and tick the “redirect” option.

If still displaying the error, you might have to wait a bit more and try again.

That’s all.

I hope it works for you.

Alternatively, you can submit a support ticket and the domainKing support team will be glad to assist you with the configuration.

If you don’t want to go through all these stress, you can just hire me to set up Blogger custom domain for you.

Please, SHARE this with your friends. Do NOT copy and Paste to your blog though :p


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29 responses to “How To Link DomainKing Domain Name To Blogger/Blogspot Blog”

  1. Franklin Avatar

    You indeed a nice guy (smiles). Greedy people won't want to post this when they know they are making money from it. God bless you boss

  2. Mazino Oyolo Kigho Avatar

    I have already submitted a support ticket before I found the through BL. Now with this post and the email response I got from them, it will be much easier to get the settings right. Very timely post!

  3. Osuofia Avatar

    Thank you Oga jide for this tutorials, it has helped me configure mine now,i appreciate. I have many things to learn from,i will keep visiting your blog.

  4. Uche Francis Avatar

    Wow I was about preparing screenshots for this as well. But i must say as a tech king you always have a way of making things look special. The guide was properly laid for easy and better understanding.

    Meanwhile, I Actually Run==>

  5. Ebuka Avatar

    Hello, Which is better for;Applying for adsense using a custom domain or using the .blogspot domain?

  6. ebubejude Avatar

    Thanks jide for this post its really been helpful

  7. Olagbaiye Theophilus Avatar

    Jide ur a Hero…. Thanks I Just did mine>>

  8. Osakwe Jindu Avatar

    How do i setup the free email account, please help

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    it worked for me but the problem is that the address can only be seen when www is attached to it. if i type or, i will not see my blog until i use please how can i solve this problem. i want my blog to be seen whether prefix is attached to it or not

  10. Tuham Sanusi Avatar

    @Anonymous, after you have successfully redirect & sets the DNS Record. Tick on the box "redirect non www to www"

  11. Akpene Jacob Avatar

    How can I then set up a .ng domain I bought from domainking?

  12. Wilfred Morrison Avatar

    The process you explained regarding linking of domain name to blogger is surely considerable. I have gone through and it really works. Thanks for illustrating this informative post in such a organized manner along with snapshots.

  13. Ayodele John Avatar

    Wow Jide.this was so helpful. I just setup my blog now, God bless u plenty

  14. Mathias Amodu Avatar

    The process you explained
    regarding linking of domain I have gone
    through and it really works.

  15. ohiri obinna Avatar

    You are my mentor dude. *kudos*

  16. Prosper Noah Avatar

    Hello kindly help please i have set up but following these procedures using my mobile phone but i keep getting "invalid login credentials".

    Please kindly help.

    1. Prince John Okosun Avatar

      i also experienced that. What you need to do is click on My services instead of my domains

  17. I_am Prime Avatar

    The same thing here – i have set up but following these procedures using my mobile phone but i keep getting "invalid login credentials" – What should i do?

  18. Anonymous Avatar

    please Prince use PC for best results


    Thanks a lot. You are indeed a stress saver. Once again, a million thanks. Please review my young blog at

  20. Izzy Blaze Avatar

    thanks a lot…

  21. joshua ken Avatar

    oga jide God bless you i just linked my blog

    thank you all the way

    if there is anyway i can help you just contact me

  22. Admin Avatar

    Mr jide please come to my aid my own is showing me error after clicking manage DNS records please help me

    1. Prince John Okosun Avatar

      What you need to do is set it up from My Services instead of My Domains.

      blogger @

    2. Goodluck Okereke Avatar

      Me too mr jide….

  23. jerry Avatar

    i followed the process but usually get stuck after clicking continue to DNS management.
    it shows me an error message of invalid login credential

  24. Tugis Avatar

    I hope it works, each time I connect my blog to a custom domain, it displays only a few hours daily. Most times it is offline (saying it can’t reach the server or time out)… All the hosting companies that know the solution to this problem and it makes me lose traffic.


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