5 Reasons Why DomainKing.Ng Is My Favorite Web Hosting Company in Nigeria


Out of all the web hosting companies in Nigeria, DomainKing.NG is my favourite. Ever since I tried them when they allowed Nigerians to register a domain name for as low as N500, I’ve never thought of moving elsewhere.

In fact, I’ve transferred many domain names I registered elsewhere to DomainKing.ng. It is also the domain name registrar I recommend to Nigerian bloggers that always ask me for where they can buy domain name they can use as custom domain for their Blogger blogs.

Wondering why I like DomainKing.NG? Well, below are my reasons :

1. Cheapest Site To Buy Domain Names and Host Websites in Nigeria

As far as I am concerned, DomainKing.NG is where you can get the cheapest rates for domain names and web hosting plans in Nigeria. Whether you want to buy a domain name or host your website, no web hosting company in Nigeria offers cheaper price than DomainKing.NG as at the time of publishing this post.

Without promo, you can register a domain name for as low as N1,400 and host a website for as low as N250 per month at DomainKing.NG. At promo price, it can go as low as N499 to register a domain name and N175 per month for web hosting. Who else offers such pricing in Nigeria? Name them if you know any. Winks**

If you are a web hosting reseller or you make money registering domain name for clients, you will definitely make more money from your services when you do business with domainKing.NG.

domainking best web hosting company in Nigeria

2. Simple Client Area and Free Management Tools

DomainKing.NG client area is very easy to navigate and understand. Once you are signed in, you can easily see where to click to register domain name, view the list and due dates of domain names you have registered, see open support tickets and many more.

Each Domain name registered at domainKing.Ng is linked to free management tools that allow you to configure your domain name anyhow you like. Hence, you can easily change nameservers, add A and CName records all by yourself.

You can as well easily get your EPP code from your dashboard without the need of contacting the support team if you want to transfer your domain name.

Registrar lock is supported too i.e you can easily prevent unauthorized transfer of your domain name.

If you want to use your domain name for a Blogspot blog, there is also a “DKNG Quick Blogger Installer” you can use. Besides that, there is a Free Email panel that lets you set up free custom email addresses for domain names you register at domainKing. This means you can get something like info@yourdomain.com for FREE at domainKing without paying for any web hosting plan.

All these great tools make it easy for me to make money setting up custom domain for Blogspot users.

3. Fantastic Customer Support

DomainKing.Ng support team is super awesome. Ever since I started using their services, I’ve never seen the need to call them on phone unlike some web hosting companies I have to call everytime I pay for domain name.

In fact, for two years I’ve been with them now, I don’t even know their phone number nor know their office. I communicate with them via their support system and they reply and sort things out without delay.

If there is anything I can’t do from my end, they do it for me free of charge. Whenever I want to move a domain name from my domainking account to a client’s domainking account, the support team get it done for me as soon as possible for free.

If you register a domain name at DomainKing.Ng to use as custom domain for your Blogger blog, the support team will even set it up for you. This is one thing most web hosting companies out there will tell you to figure out by yourself.

4. Ease of Payment; Pay In Naira

It’s very easy to make payment at DomainKing.Ng for domain name registration and web hosting services. There are several payment options you can choose from. You can pay online with your Nigerian ATM cards if you don’t have time to go to the bank for direct deposit. At DomainKing.NG, you pay in Naira for web hosting and domain name registration. Hence, no need worrying about dollar to Naira exchange rates or CBN policies.

I really like domainKing.Ng because of the integration of VoguePay payment gateway which is currently my favorite payment gateway in Nigeria. I use VoguePay to receive online payments on my sites and use the fund in my VoguePay wallet to pay at DomainKing.NG and when I pay this way, whatever I pay for is activated instantly. No need contacting them at all that I have paid. Cool…huh?

5. You Can Make Money at DomainKing.NG

If you check the websites of most web hosting companies in Nigeria, you will discover that they don’t offer Affiliate programs but at domainKing.Ng, you can make money as an affiliate when you refer your loved ones to the site.

You will earn money when anyone you refer to DomainKing pays for a web hosting plan. You get paid for every sale generated through your affiliate link which will be generated for you once you join the DomainKing Affiliate program.

Just imagine if you refer 100 friends, you will earn N100,000 i.e N1,000 payout per friend that signs up for wen hosting plan through your unique link.

Well, I will stop here for now.

Let me know what you think about this DomainKing review. Feel free to share your experience via comments.

Remember, the #DomainKingNGRocks contest is still in progress. You can win up to N250,000 and other amazing prizes. Click here for more info about the contest,

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20 responses to “5 Reasons Why DomainKing.Ng Is My Favorite Web Hosting Company in Nigeria”

  1. Mazino Oyolo-Kigho Avatar

    Domainking Rocks.
    I moved my domain mazinoweb.com this month.

  2. Akpene Jacob Avatar

    DomainKing really rocks, all my domains are from them. I also buy for people on Domainking.

  3. Menaha Avatar

    That's good. Think I'll consider them.

  4. Chikamso marcellinus Avatar

    Wow that's great . I will host my blog with them. I trust you Boss Jide and am going to try it out with my blog kamsoblog

  5. youngman Avatar

    i will proudly say am happy with their services.

  6. anthony Avatar

    domainking rocks!!

  7. Bello Azeez Avatar

    i swaer i like domainking pass all host,

    i dey use domainking for Ballowap.com.ng

  8. Samuel Philip Avatar

    DomainKingNG is the talk of the town now oo.. Even the children in my compound are singing its praises.

    If BabaJide says YES, who am I to say no? Lol..

    I've heard from the horses mouth, now let me try them out myself

  9. Michael Egberibine Esq. Avatar

    please can you help me renew my domain name registration that you did for me??? thank you

  10. Chibuks Alaoma Avatar

    Really love domainking and thanks Jide for guaranting and support of nigerian domain sites, using it on my blog prolifekits.com

  11. Onome Joseph Avatar

    Cool, I want to move my blog to WordPress, with domainking, dunno if I should or I shouldn't I haven't began monetizing my Blog "clickable"

  12. Victor Kachi Avatar

    They are really good in their support. I recently transferred my two domains to them. Entclass.com

  13. Henry emmanuel Avatar

    To be sincere I actually wanted to purchase a domain name from godaddy…

    But the reasons above has made me think twice…
    Thank you sire!!.

    You Won't Believe how much this YouTubers made in 2016

  14. semiu sodiq Avatar

    Help check my website for review http://seminitech.blogspot.com

  15. Blessing Noah Avatar

    One of my blogs'domain is registered with Domainking.ng. I've actually had no cause to contact their Support team yet and hope not to have a reason to do so any time soon.
    I do recommend them for domain name registration.

    Domainking.ng rocks.

  16. philips Chike Avatar

    le me give it a try

  17. WizyTechs Blog Avatar

    I have seen many people testify that domainking is really nice although am not patronizing them but i might consider them in subsequent Blog Designs

  18. Steph Stephanie Avatar

    I have started my blog on blogger and Now, I'm really worried about what if i need extra storage!

  19. Ikanna Samuel Avatar

    i guess it will be good to host my blog on domainking


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