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Tag: addynamo tips
AdDynamo Discontinues Ad Network
Ad Dynamo has announced in a blog post, that it will be retiring its ad network product to focus exclusively on the Twitter ad sales partnership which was secured in early 2014. According to the blog post, the opportunity presented through the close relationship with Twitter supersedes everything else, and achieving focus within the teams…
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7 Tips for Ad dynamo Advertisers To Increase Campaign Performance
While trying to find out how retargeting works on Addynamo, I stumbled on some tricks shared on Addynamo website. If you’ve been running some online ad campaings using the Ad dynamo ad network, below are tips to optimize performance of your campaings: 1. Use CPM for Brand Awareness Campaigns Although, CPC (Cost Per Click) is…
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How To Make Ad Dynamo Advert Appear On Blogger Mobile View
Recently, I redesigned the mobile view of ogbongeblog using the blogger mobile template. One of the changes was enabling Addynamo mobile ad unit to appear whenever you view my blog on a small screen especially on opera mini browser. I decided to do this as an alternative to monetizing my Opera Mini blog’s traffic since…
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How To Increase Ad dynamo Pay Per Tweet Earnings
This is a guest post compiled by Michael Okeje Ad dynamo introducing the “Pay Per Tweet” feature has made life sweet for those of us that have huge number of Twitter followers. In this article, I would be giving you some steps to really increasing your earnings with Addynamo. When I started with Addynamo “Pay Per…
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How Much Does It Cost To Advertise With AdDynamo Pay Per Click Program?
Wondering how much it will cost you to put an advertisement online using Addynamo PPC program? Well, whether your objective is driving traffic to your website/blog, or developing your brand awareness, Addynamo lets *you* decide the cost to run your ads after you might have paid the $7 activation fee. There is no minimum amount…
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Addynamo Twitter Service Paid Me $25 for Two Tweets
Making money online from Addynamo Twitter Sponsored Tweets is for real. So far, I have earned over $100 from tweeting for Addynamo and below is a screenshot showing my $25 earning from just two tweets. Wondering How You Can Make Money As Addynamo Twitter Publisher? Well, it’s easy. Log in to, go to My…
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How Do I Center Addynamo Ads In My Blog Header?
You have created your AdDynamo account, copied and added the ad codes to your blog but still not satisfied with the way the ad appears on your blog? Well, you can centralize the ad with some lines of codes. In this post, am sharing with you, how to make your AdDynamo ad appear in the…
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How To Change AdDynamo Ads Display from Image to Text Only
Yesterday, a friend complained to me that he is tired of seeing Ad-Dynamo ad banners on his blog and would love to run only Ad Dynamo text ads on his blog. I let him realize that it is possible even if he doesn’t want to block AdDynamo ads completely. In this post, I have decided…
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How To Block Irrelevant AdDynamo Ads
When Google disabled ad-serving to the mobstac-powered mobile version of my blog, (, I monetized it with AdDynamo for two months, made some money and got paid directly into my bank account but I am still not satisfied with the AdDynamo Pay Per Click program which eventually led me to remove their ads from my…
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How To Get and Add AdDynamo Codes To Blogger Blogs
AdDynamo is a pay per click program which is a good alternative to Google Adsense. You can easily monetize your blog with AdDynamo and get paid in your local currency. I have monetized the mobstac-powered mobile version of my blog and I have received my first Addynamo earnings which was deposited directly into my Nigerian…
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