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How To Make Ad Dynamo Advert Appear On Blogger Mobile View
Recently, I redesigned the mobile view of ogbongeblog using the blogger mobile template. One of the changes was enabling Addynamo mobile ad unit to appear whenever you view my blog on a small screen especially on opera mini browser.
I decided to do this as an alternative to monetizing my Opera Mini blog’s traffic since Google ads still refuse to be displayed on Opera Mini without using mobstac.
If you are interested in making addynamo adverts to appear on the mobile view of your blogspot blog, follow the steps below:
==> Log in to your ad dynamo account to generate the code for the mobile ad unit.
*** If you want to get the code for “300×50” mobile ad unit, make sure you click the “mobile” tab before clicking the “New Channel” button. You can also try the “300×250” ad unit from the “Web” tab.
==> Log in to your blogger dashboard, go to “Layout” and click on “Add a gadget“.
*** If you want it to appear at the top of your mobile view, add the gadget to the header section. If you want it down the mobile view, add it to the sidebar or footer section.
==> Select the “HTML/Javascript” gadget, copy and paste the Ad dynamo ad code into the box, then SAVE.
==> After saving, click the “edit” link under the Addynamo widget. Get the widget ID (eg HTML13) from the URL bar as seen in the screenshot below and take note of it.
==> Go to “Template“. Under “Mobile“, select “Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices” and choose “Custom” from the “choose mobile template” dropdown box.
==> Save your settings.
Now, we need to activate the Addynamo ad to be displayed on the Blogger mobile view.
==> Go to “Template” > “Edit HTML“
==> Click on the “Jump to Widget” tab and click on the widgetID of the Addynamo unit you added to your blog earlier. This will take you to the code of the widget in your HTML.
==> Add mobile=’yes’ to the line of code as seen in the screenshot below.
==> SAVE your template.
View the mobile view of your blog by adding ?m=1 to your blog address eg and you should see the Addynamo ad been displayed on the mobile view.
If you want it to display ONLY on the mobile view and not on the desktop view, use mobile=’only’ but if you do this, you will keep seeing an error message anytime you want to re-arrange the widgets on your blog layout.
Please, relay your comments, contribution etc via the comment form below.
Do not forget to share this with your friends.
You can read more Addynamo tips here.
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34 responses to “How To Make Ad Dynamo Advert Appear On Blogger Mobile View”
Fantastic! Will give it a try once I get my addynamo account. Your blogger mobile view is so cool. Mine look scattered and also notice the big 120×600 ad banner on the mobile view if I view it on PC and with my Blackberry browser. Can I block it from showing on mobile?
Yes, you can. Use the "jump to widget" to locate the code for the ad banner, then add mobile='no' to it.
Good Job Jide. I think this works for custom Mobile templates only. Clearify me if I am wrong. Thanks
Yes bro. If you don't switch to "custom", it will not display.
Good job my man, i have been looking for this tutorial all this while. Thanks for sharing it here.
You're welcome bro. You are one of those that inspired me to write on it. Happy blogging!
Nice one. Please how can i make related post widget appear on blogger mobile view?
I have published the tutorial some few minutes ago. Click the next Blogger tutorials tab.
how can i swicth to custom and where can i get custom mobile view please
Bro, pls read the post all over again. The answers to your questions are in the post.
Thanks bro.i followed your instructions and every thing worked out fine.thanks alot.i really appreciate
I am glad it worked for you. Have fun
pls o is it only working on blogger default templates? mine is not working o
Probably a problem with your third-party template. You might need to reset the post template.
It was unable to saved bro…it says anoda html widget is not unique…something like dat sha….
Send the exact error message to my mail, maybe I can help you fix it
Thanks Oga at the Top 4 sharing dis Info
You're welcome bro
Thanks. But how do i limit my post number on the mobile view?
You're welcome bro
My mobile custom view looks like desktop view. What can I do about it?
Some css tweak can fix it. Guess you are using a third party template.
Hello bro
I already have 2 addynamo on my blog head..i added the mobile one just now and i put 'mobile only' but the ad is still there..dont know why
Thanks for the tutorial. Pls is there a way I can make ads display at the end of each articles in mobile view?
Thanks Bro. Please is there a way I can make addynamo display at the end of each articles in mobile view or web?
thanks for sharing, i've just implemented that on my blog at……and its working fine
my oga its not working for me ooooh, it cant even save talkless of working
Error parsing XML, line 2031, column 3: Element type "b:widget" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>". So wat do I do bro? Wen I clcikd save das wat I got
tan u bro it worked but plz my addynamo ads only show dynamo click page dont no if it activate or i did the wrong settings plz help me email me tips nd plz vist my blog to understand wot i mean…. tanxs
bro plz i dnt really no what i did … my mobile post is not dsplaying dont no what to do plz check my mobile blog xo u could help resolve this email me
tanks man
Yoo , I have ads dynamo account but I can not get any ads cod to places in my site. How can I do it?
Error parsing XML, line 2031, column 3: Element type "b:widget" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>". So wat do I do – See more at:
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