
How To Make Related Posts To Show On Blogger Mobile View

After showcasing the redesigned mobile view of Ogbongeblog yesterday when I published “how to make addynamo ads appear on blogger mobile view“, I have received mails from some blogspot users, asking me how I make the related posts widget to appear on the mobile view of my blogger blog.

Well, you can get it done if you’ve switched to blogger custom mobile template and would be easier for you if you’ve installed my related posts widget to your blog. All you will just need to do is to carefully add some few lines of code to your blog’s html.

How To Get Started

==> Click here to install my related posts widget

*** Change the width in the css from 350px to 300px; perfect for the screen of most mobile phones.

==> If you have not enabled custom mobile template, login to your Blogger dashboard, go to “Template“. Under “Mobile“, select “Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices” and choose “Custom” from the “choose mobile template” dropdown box and save your settings.

==> Now, we need to find the code for the default mobile share buttons so we can place the related posts gadget directly below it.

==> So, back up your template and go to “Template” > “Edit HTML

==> Click inside the HTML and use CTRL F to find <b:if cond=’data:top.showMobileShare’>

==> Carefully find the ending </div> as seen in the screenshot below

==> Directly below it, copy and paste the code below:

<div style=’float:left;’>
<!– Related Posts with Thumbnails Code Start–>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>
<div id=’related-posts’>
face=’Arial’ size=’3′><b>Related Posts:
color=’#FFFFFF’><b:loop values=’data:post.labels’
cond=’data:label.isLast !=
cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>

expr:src=’&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + +

<script type=’text/javascript’> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels();
<!– Related Posts with Thumbnails Code End–>

==> Save your template

==> View any blog post that has labels and you should see related posts links appearing right below the mobile share buttons.

Note: If you did not add a label (category) to a post, you might not see the related posts below it.

Did it work for you? Please, let me hear from you via comments.

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Written by Jide Ogunsanya

Pro Nigerian Blogger, Digital Marketer and Web designer. I help business owners to grow their businesses online. You can join my Facebook Group here or join my Telegram Group here.

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  1. You rock bro. Will definitely try it when on PC. I hope you will share more tutorials on how you really customized that mobile view of your blog. God bless

  2. Thanks a lot for this boss Jide. But i did everything as stated clearly above, but it is not working for me on the mobile template. When i changed the mobile template to custom view even with 'show mobile template on mobile' set to on, it was showing the desktop version, so i had to change to awesome mobile templete. Just hoping it might come up later,.. or is there something else i am not getting?

  3. Sir please how do I go about this:
    Change the width in the css from 350px to 300px; perfect for the screen of most mobile phones.

    I have been searching for it I can't find it.

    I added a popular post widget on my mobile view,but when I check it,.. It cuts by the side

  4. I was getting an error response. can someone help me out? Thanks
    “Error parsing XML, line 3327, column 12: Open quote is expected for attribute “style” associated with an element type “div””

  5. wow, am glad to find this post worthy….I have done it on Pc and its showing very well but having issues with the mobile view, now let me try it out again using this tips.

    thank you jide for the updates.

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