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Tag: mobstac tips
Mobstac: How To Switch from Pro to Starter Plan
Mobstac makes it possible for me to display Google ads to people that access my blog with Opera Mini browser. Few months back when I decided to stop subscribing to the Mobstac pro Blogger plan, I waited till the plan expired before changing the plan to the free starter plan. Unfortunately, I realized I couldn’t…
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Disqus Comment Form Installation Guide for Mobstac Mobile Sites
Disqus is one of the most popular 3rd party commenting systems used amongst bloggers and website owners. If your mobile website is been powered by mobstac, you can use Disqus comment form on your site as alternative to the Facebook comment form. One of the advantages of Disqus comment platform over the Facebook commenting system…
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How To Change Blogger Mobile Template To Mobstac
For over a year now, I have been using mobstac to power the mobile version of my blog because it allows me to display custom and google ads to people that read my blog with Opera mini and some other mobile browsers. If you’re monetizing your blogger blog with Google Adsense and have activated the…
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How To Add Tabs To Mobstac Site
If you have created the mobile version of your blog using, you can easily add navigation tabs to your mobstac site right from your mobstac dashboard. This will enable visitors to your blog to easily navigate the sections of your mobstac site. Looking closely at the header region of, you will see the…
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How To Create CName for Domain Names Bought from GoDaddy via Blogger
In some of my previous posts, I shared tutorials on how to edit CName record at and but Bloggers that have purchased their custom domain from via keep asking me how they can also do the same from their Google Apps dashbaord. Today, I decided to come up with the tutorial.…
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How To Create Mobstac CNAME Setting for Domain Names Registered at
Recently, many bloggers who have registered their domain names at keep contacting me, asking me how they can access their DNS settings. Unfortunately,, as at the time of publishing this post, does not offer DNS Management. Hence, you will not be able to personally enter “CNAME” and “A-records” for your registered domain name(s)…
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Mobstac Not Redirecting Your Blog To Mobile View? The Solution
If you are using mobstac to power the mobile version of your Blogger blog, you will have to add the mobstac redirection code in the head section of your blog’s html before your blog can be redirecting automatically to your mobstac site when viewed on mobile devices. You will get the Mobstac Javascript plugin from…
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How To Add Facebook Comment Form To Mobstac Blog
As at the time of publishing this tutorial, If your blog is a Blogger blog and you are using Mobstac to power the mobile version of your blog, anyone who reads your blog post via their mobile devices will not see the Blogger comment form. Hence, they will not be able to comment on your…
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How To Add Addynamo Code To Mobstac Blog
If you operate a website or blog, whose mobile version is powered by Mobstac, you can also start making money with your blog through Addynamo Pay Per Click advertising program; a program that works similarly to Google Adsense. AD:DYNAMO can help you instantly monetize the traffic your site receives. Once you sign up with Ad-dynamo,…
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Dudamobile mobile version of Ogbongeblog Vs Mobstac Mobile Version
I decided to use to create a mobile version of and compare it with the mobile version powered by mobstac. Considering what I have observed so far, I still prefer Mobstac to Dudamobile. Ogbongeblog mobile blog powered by dudamobile ==> Ogbongeblog mobile blog powered by mobstac ==> Observations 1. The Dudamobile…
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