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Tag: twitter
Twitter Ban in Nigeria : Here Is Why
Twiter ban in Nigeria is currently effective as Nigerians can no longer use Twitter in Nigeria without VPN. Access to Twitter through Nigeria’s main internet service providers has been blocked. Twitter is still accessible on some wi-fi networks in Nigeria though. Nigeria indefinitely suspended Twitter yesterday, two days after Twitter removed a post by Nigeria’s…
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How To Use Tweeten Twitter Client
In this post, I want to quickly share with you some basic tips on how to use Tweeten app. I use it on my Microsoft Surface Laptop and it’s cool. I even prefer it to the Twitter for Windows 10 app. So, What is Tweeten App? Tweeten is a third-party Twitter client column-based interface that…
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Tweeten Free Download for Windows 10
The popular third-party Twitter client Tweeten is available for free download for Windows 10 PCs at the Microsoft Store. I’ve successfully installed it on my Microsoft Surface Laptop. Tweeten is based on TweetDeck which means it offers a powerful, column-based interface that helps you keep track of everything that’s happening on Twitter without needing to…
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Download Twitter for PC Windows 10
You can download Twitter for PC windows 10 from the Microsoft store. I’ve installed it on my Microsoft surface laptop and it’s working perfectly. Although it doesn’t support multiple accounts as at the time of publishing this post, it supports features that people on Twitter love, including longer Tweets, the Explore tab to find topics relevant…
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How To Stop Facebook From Posting Automatically To Your Twitter
If you notice that whatever update you post on your Facebook timeline or Facebook page automatically appears as a tweet on your Twitter, then it’s more likely that you’ve linked your Facebook account to your Twitter account. If URL that starts with appears in some of the tweets, it simply means that the connection…
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TweetChat With EllaeCreative Holds 12pm Today! Join Me!
Join me today by 12pm for an insightful Tweet chat with @EllaeCreative . The topic is #CONTENTMARKETING Just follow the hashtag #EllaeTweetChat on #Twitter and add the hashtag to your questions. Looking forward to your questions.
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Warble Alerts : Email Notification Tool For Tracking Twitter Hashtags, Keywords etc
Warble alerts is an alternative to Google alerts which make it easy for anyone to track Twitter keywords, phrases, #hashtags, @mentions and more. It’s a perfect Twitter monitoring tool for people who don’t have all day to spend on Twitter. By making use of Warble alerts, you won’t miss any important tweet regarding a particular…
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Twitter Conversion Tracking/ Remarketing Code Throwing Error on Blogger? Try This
I started using Twitter ads yesterday and decided to install the Twitter conversion tracking code on my blogger blog. However, after pasting the code in my blog’s html, it keeps throwing xml delimiter parsing error every time I click the “Save Template” button i.e “……”p_id” must end with the ‘;’ delimiter.” I was able to…
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How To Change Twitter Username Without Losing Followers and Tweets
If you’ve realized that you need a different Twitter handle, probably a shorter one or a more professional one, you can easily change the Twitter username without losing followers and your tweets. Changing your username will not affect your existing followers, direct messages, or @replies. Your followers will simply see a new username next to…
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Twitter Trends Explained
It is common for many Twitter users to be tweeting about the same topics at the same time. This usually happens when major events occur and when there is a news about a celeb or public figure that is going viral. When those topics become so popular in discussions on twitter, they “trend” or become…
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