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Tag: web design
Shogun Page Builder Lets You Build Landing Pages for Shopify, Bigcommerce Without Coding
Shogun Page Builder is a powerful drag-and-drop store builder for Shopify and Bigcommerce. Thankfully, you don’t need to hire a professional developer for every landing page (where the customer first lands on your site). Now your whole team can launch and a/b test landing pages, blog, and product pages — or even entire stores —…
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FreeCodeCamp Tutorials Let You Learn How To Code for Free
Learning to code is hard. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably trying to sell you something. Despite all the challenges, the emotions ups and downs that come with coding, there are millions of people out there who are learning to code. If you are keen to learn web programming right from the scratch but…
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Responsive Website Preview Tools I Use Locally On Localhost
Testing responsive website design online is quite easy as there are many tools out there which you can use. Unfortunately, most of those tools won’t work if you are not connected to the internet. This simply means they will be useless if you are working on web site design on localhost (using XAMPP) and you…
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Transfer WordPress From One Host to Another Using Softaculous
Yesterday, I stumbled on a guide on Softaculous website which explains how to restore a backup on a new server. I tried the trick and it worked for me in moving a WordPress blog of a client from a webhosting provider to my reseller hosting account (different webhost). I didn’t use any WordPress backup &…
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How To Create Softaculous BackUps Folder in cPanel
Yesterday, while following the guide on Softaculous website that explains how to restore a backup on a new server, I was stucked at “Step 5” for some minutes. The “Step 5” simply requires that I copy the backup file to my new server at the following path /home/USERNAME/softaculous_backups/ I was looking for the folder without…
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How To Point Website Subdomain To Blogger Blog
If you already have a web site and simply want to add a Blogger blog to the site, you can get it done easily. All you just need to do is to make the blog a part of the web site domain structure, by publishing it to a sub domain of the web site. The…
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25 Free Video Tutorials; Learn web design (Html/CSS, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal)
If you really want to learn web design, then, you have to lay your hands on some videos tutorials to get started. Reading ebooks alone won’t get you there. There are lot of video series that can set you on the right path. “Professor Teaches” series helped me a lot in learning web design ,…
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