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How To Unsubscribe from Glo Berekete Tariff Plan
Wondering how to unsubscribe from Glo Berekete tariff plan?
Well, there is no code to dial to leave, stop, deactivate, cancel or migrate out of Glo Berekete.
All you need to do, is simply dial the code of the Glo tariff plan you want to migrate to.
For example,
- if you want to migrate from berekete to Glo 11k prepaid plan, dial
- if you want to migrate from berekete to Glo infinito plan, dial
- if you want to migrate from berekete to Glo GBam plan, dial
First migration within a month is free; subsequent migrations within the same month attracts a charge of N100 per migration.
Note that you will lose any unused bonus upon migration, so I advise you to fully utilize your Glo berekete bonuses before you unsubscribe from Glo Berekete.

What is Glo Berekete Tariff Plan?
Glo Berekete is a prepaid tariff plan which rewards customers with amazing voice and data benefits every time they recharge their Glo lines with a minimum of N100. With Berekete, customers can satisfy their browsing and talking needs from the same recharge.
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