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7 Reasons Why Most Nigerian Bloggers Don't Make Money Online
It is no more news that for you to make real money online, the best advice you can get is to first get a blog or website. As a result of this, thousands of blogs keep been published everyday, yet over 80% of these blogs owned by Nigerians are not fetching them money as been expected.
Why I can boast to have make alot of money online with the little experience I have, I can still briefly explain some reasons why most Nigerian Bloggers are not making money online.
1. Blogging Only For Money
This might come as a big surprise to you but the fact is that, if you just blog to make money, you will likely not make money. If you check most Nigerian blogs, over 70% are sales pages, just advertising this or that with no useful content. When a blog just have 5 pages,with 4 of the pages advertising a product or service, how do you expect to make money with it?
Yes, you can make good money with a blog, but it takes a lot more than “no effort”. If you really want to make money with your blog, just keep blogging with passion and money will come naturally after you might have put some things in place e.g good traffic, rich content, SEO etc. To be honest to you, if the only reason you are blogging is to get rich, you will fail.
2. Not Updating
Nothing kills a blog faster than lack of updates. A non-updated blog is a dead blog. Many Nigerian bloggers fail to make money because most of their blogs are dead. Most of them blog in niches that they have no passion for and eventually get bored fast, hence, living their blog un-updated for a long time.
Even, if you just want to be making money on your blog via Google Adsense, if you fail to keep updating your blog, it might take you 2 years before you make $100. Yes, I mean it.
So, for you to be making money with your blog,pick a niche you will love to be writing about and also make sure you make a commitment to keep your blog updated, even if it is just one post per week or ten posts per day.
3. Not Willing To Learn First
Most Nigeria bloggers are not willing to learn before they earn. For example, if you do not know how to create channels for Adsense ads, don’t know how to use the Competitive Ad Filter, don’t know how to use the Adsense Preview tool, then how do you want to make good money from Google Adsense?
If you don’t know how Paypal or clickbank works, then how do you want to make money through Affiliate marketing? If you don’t know how to get free articles you can use to write an ebook or don’t know how to resell other people ebooks, then how do you want to make money though information marketing?
To make good money online as a blogger, there are many things you must learn before you earn and unfortunately, there is no end to learning. You must also learn to write well, learn how to drive good traffic to your blog, how to really monetize your blog, how to tweak your blog so that your blog posts can be showing in the top results of search engine queries and many more.
I keep learning everyday and the more I learn, the more I get to know new tricks which I keep using to fetch me more money online. Basically, you will and must continue to learn if you want to earn big.
4. Being a Copycat
Many Nigerian bloggers fail to make money online because their blogs have no difference whatsoever as long as other blogs are concerned. They do what others are doing, say exactly what others are saying, infact, they are just COPYCAT BLOGGERS.
I am certainly not the first Nigerian to write about making money online or about blogging tricks, so what makes me not a copycat?
Well, the simple truth is that you can write about the same thing as the next blog, but you need to add your own views to make it unique. Don’t just copy and paste what another blog posted. Give your opinion because that’s what blogging is all about. The most unique thing about your blog is YOU.
If your blog is not different from others by content, design, ideas, opinion etc, then you might not make huge impact. There is not other way;BE DIFFERENT OR DIE TRYING.
5. No Commitment And Seriousness
This is another reason why most Nigerian Bloggers fail. Most of them are not committed and are not really serious about blogging especially when they have made no financial commitment for the blogs.
Blogging requires your time, money and energy. If you are not willing to make that commitment, then you will likely fail as a blogger.
6. Not Connecting With Other Bloggers
Many Nigerian Bloggers don’t really make money online because they fail to realize the fact that they need to interact with other bloggers in the blogosphere for them to really make it online.
With facebook, Twitter, Mybloglog and other social communities online, you can easily connect with other bloggers. If you are active in these communities, before you know it, more traffic will be flowing to your blog, which obviously will help you in making more money with your blog.
You can join BloggersLab if you want to connect with me and other bloggers on Facebook.
7. Not reading Ogbongeblog
Though my blog might not be the biggest in Nigeria, but I am sure you will agree with me that this is the biggest mistake any Nigerian blogger can make. Smiles******
As you can see, you might be frustrated blogging online if you fail to consider the points that I have explained in this report.
If you wish to make good money from blogging,I encourage you to take blogging as a business because if you do not take it as a business,you will not give it what a business needs, which simply means you might fail. I pray, you don’t. Amen.
In my future articles, I will be writing about different direct and indirect ways you can be making money with your blogs and also the different tweaks you can apply to your blog, to make it a better blog.
Please, feel free to contribute via the comment form.
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36 responses to “7 Reasons Why Most Nigerian Bloggers Don't Make Money Online”
What a great article! To be honest, most of these reasons are why I have not been making it with my blog and I just have to get more serious now. I hope in your future articles, you will kindly talk more about the Adsense Preview tool and Competitive Ad filter, so it can help me to make more money with the Google Adsense. Thanks so much Mr Jide. Am so happy to have subscribed to your blog.
Great article, first time I am coming to this blog. Lots of nice info. Keep it up
Thanks so much. I hope you will keep checking back for more great articles.
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nd i promise u if this thing goes i will send for u voucher for 500 Naira…Hello JIDE, i just love what you are doing, keep it up, you are one of those i look up to and say i will not give up, i understand your blog topics centers most in nigeria, well i am the owner of, which i just published, and,
i use article submission to send traffic to the but, i must tell you it's really difficult, and i understand you use adwords to get traffic,
so please, i don't know how profitable it is to use adword as traffic source but, i know it's the only trusted way, but, my question is if i ran adsense does traffic from adword yield return as in cover the expenses through adsense earnings
email: kenechukwu1987 @ gmail . com
I dont really used Adwords for my traffic, though have tried it once and still hope to try it again soon. I rely on Search engines for my traffic as most of my posts are well optimized for them. If you are making some good money from Adsense, it can surely be covering for your adwords campaign for sure. as for me, if I use my adsense earnings to run Adwords campaign, I know my earnings will increase a lot.
you have just opened my mind.thanks a lot mentor.
You welcome bro
Jide, i agree with you 99%. Nigerians today like taking shortcuts, that is why they engage in "copying and pasting", they don't want to suffer much, all they want is just get rich quicker.
They think it's that easy without knowing it demands far more than "copying and pasting" to make money from blogging.
Hi Jidex, nice one. It's all indirect marketing strategy without showing your iron fist! Your blog should be number one in naija…seriously. However Jide let start school of blogging or better still information marketing for naija youths as well as professional workers. It's possible isn't? Please, check out for my wordpress blog soon. smile*** barni
Yes, possible. Let me know once you launch your wordpress blog.
Hi ogbonge master,jide i quite agree with you on the 7 reasons why most Nigerian blogger are or do not make money from there blog.But in my own view or understanding i think professional blogger like you fail to emphasize the basic requirements for newbie bloggers to get or learn be jumping into blogging(though you try by letting them know blogging is not a get rich quick platform)like having a functional laptop(battery lasting up to 24-48hours)you just give tutorials on blogging instead of offline basic things you need to start blogging,not emphasizing on getting quality mobile phones to connect with fellow bloggers on the go instead you give tutorials on different brand of mobile phones,and in all telling would be bloggers that all about blogging is easy while the revers is the case.To sum it up in the Nigerian society short cut to make money is the number thing in mind.
In some of my other posts, I have mentioned the fact that blogging is not a get rich quick scheme and have also covered the basic things needed to be a successful blogger. Yes, dedication and passion matters alot.
Pls how can i get enough traffic on my blog?
Search engine optimization, use of social networking and bookmarking sites
hahaha!!!!!!!! Nice post jide!….jeez!!! where have you been all this while *wink*
This is a very honest and true post..Blogging is a business, and at the same time a lifestyle..You need to love what you do for you to succeed at it..I have actually noticed that the blogosphere in Nigeria is laden with bloggers with very thick, but nonetheless, a very nice post..
thanks very much frens….. i hope see u tomorrow.
please teach me how to blogg
Guy, I've said it several time that you are simply a guru. I love your blog, I love the way you write and I want to tell you that I have learned a lot from you as a new blogger.
Thanks a lot!jide. but on a serious note, i spent close to 3o thousand naira plus on my blog. And after like 5 months, maga start to pay. So i believe that blogging is an investment. If you don't give, you can't take
Mr jide,ure d best….keep it up
One of the finest articles I have read in months.. I can see the fire is still burning. 😀 Thanks for putting up this well written and researched article.
Best Regards,
NosaMr Jide. i appreciate ur effort and info on blogging and making money online. I am really interested and need ur assistance. my respond so i can take d next step to success
Ha, nice one! Pls I need post for very busy workers but interested in blogging. Will soon launch my blog.
Everything you said is really true!
I started blogging about 4 years ago without learning
My thinking then is that reading about Jide Ogunsanya making Hundred of Dollars from Adsense is cool, Not knowing one need to really learn
Learned some little about blogging before i was able to collect my first check last year even before my wife could believe that there is something that can really come out of blogging
Thanks for really sharing this wonderful piece of informationJide you are so right, when i started blogging 'Secret infos – Ogbongeblog' was the first blog i subscribed to by email and by visiting regularly. it helped me clear my eye to the real stuff involved in blogging.
Totally agreed with all your points
But the most important and many bloggers are not really putting into consideration before going fully into blogging LEARNING. Not learned enough has really put me also into a big dilemma. Blogging for 3 years without earning any dime, until I tried to learn some lessons from you master, at least I am earning some crumbs from my BLOG now.good
I particularly like the 6th point. Not reaching out to other bloggers. Simply put, your network determines your net worth.
I agree with this article
Ogbongeblog had been helping since I started blogging, So the aspect of not reading this site is actually true and am having using the search box for a new widget for my 5day old site on this site. Happy Blogging
Kudos to you very interesting
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