AUL GPRS To 3G Converter: Free Download/ How To Use


While combing the Internet as usual, I stumbled upon a phone application for SYMBIAN Nokia phones which, I learned is capable of boosting your connection speed to 3G instead of the normal GPRS. It will also enable you to make video calls.

If you are using a Nokia phone with Symbian Operating system, with this software installed on your phone, you can surf the web at the speed of 3G if you are located in a 3G covered area.

The Software is : Aul_gprs TO 3G Converter.sis  ( keep reading to get download link)


1. Download the file and install it on your phone.
2. Open the application.
3. Press UP key on your keypad twice (2 times) You will see now:  0-dual 1-gsm 2-cdma
4. Press option, choose execute. Put number “2” then ok.
 5. Your phone will reboot. and convert your usual gsm/gprs service to 3G.

To Deactivate

1. Open the application.
2. Press UP key on your keypad twice (2 times) You will see now:  0-dual 1-gsm 2-cdma
3. Press option, choose execute. Put number “1” then ok.
4. Your phone will reboot. and convert your 3G service to gsm/gprs…


Remember, it works only for SYMBIAN Nokia phones. If it works on your phone, fine and if it doesn’t, Life goes on. You might be interested in 10 Wapsites for Phone downloads.

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