BET4 Program by Diamond Bank To Give 15 Million Naira To Entrepreneurs

Diamond Bank Nigeria has announced the fourth season of the Building Entrepreneurs Today (BET4) programme, a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of the bank aimed at enhancing the growth potentials of Nigerian entrepreneurs through capacity building. This season will focus on ICT, Agro-Allied and Renewable Energy sub-sectors and N15 million is up for grabs.

The Corporate Social Responsibility initiative involves supporting MSMEs by giving them the knowledge they need to build viable ventures and manage success. Small business owners are equipped with the right knowledge and skills to properly manage their businesses. At the end of the training, successful participants would have imbibed the culture of entrepreneurship that Diamond Bank Plc stands for.

Diamond bank bet4 winners

To qualify for selection, a candidate must have an existing business that has been in operation for at least three months prior to the application date. Applications are reviewed by a panel of judges based on a predetermined set of criteria after which successful candidates are invited for an interview session.

Fifty shortlisted candidates will thereafter undergo a six months training with the EDC, following which the top fifteen are selected for a second phase of top-flight advisory services where they are required to present their business models.

At the end of the process, the five participants who are adjudged to have the best plans are each given a three million naira grant by Diamond Bank Plc to support their businesses.

To participate, log on to to fill and submit application form.

Wish you luck!

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4 responses to “BET4 Program by Diamond Bank To Give 15 Million Naira To Entrepreneurs”

  1. Jenny Avatar

    Superb info there. Jide thanxxxxx

  2. mubarak aminu Avatar

    this is a great initiative,i hopely i will apply.

  3. JDY Avatar

    Great motivation for my upcoming entreprenuers


    Very bright initiative from my Bank!!!


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