Black Friday Deal : 50% Discount On Chatbot for Blogs Course


Between now and Monday, 27th of November 2017, you can enrol in my chatbot course for just N4,999 instead of N9,999. That’s a whooping 50% discount.

The course includes videos that will explain to you how to create a Facebook messenger chatbot for blogs from scratch and how you can use the chatbot to grow blog’s traffic. You can use the knowledge to create chatbots for your blog and make money creating same for other bloggers.


You will learn :

  • how to get started with creating chatbot for blogs
  • how to set up necessary blocks needed for blogs chatbots
  • how to set up your chatbot welcome message and default answer
  • how to integrate necessary chatbot plugins needed for blogs chatbots
  • how to add your blog rss to your chatbot
  • how to integrate blog subscriptions into your chatbot to enable subscribers automatically receive latest blog updates in their Facebook messenger inbox
  • how to enable your chatbot users view/read latest blog updates in their Facebook inbox without subscribing to updates
  • how to set up keywords that will make your chatbot automatically reply users
  • how to send instant broadcast messages to Facebook inbox of thousands of users on your chatbot list
  • how to schedule broadcast messages to be delivered to your chatbot users at a specified time
  • how to segment users on your chatbot list
  • how to add navigation menu to your chatbot
  • how to analyze performance of your chatbot : total number of users, most clicked blog updates/URL, popular user inputs etc
  • how to add Facebook Messenger chat button and “send to messenger” button to your blog.
  • how to connect your chatbot block to your Facebook Messenger destination ad.
  • how to automatically reply anyone that comments on your Facebook page posts by sending private message into their Facebook inbox.



Tips and tricks on how to grow your chatbot list.


How To Pay

You can make payment into the bank account below :

Jidbiz International

You can make payment online through the Paystack payment gateway. Click here to pay now.

paystack pay now button


You can use the form below :

[pff-paystack id=”9843″]



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