FAN Ads Now Let You Earn Money From Your Mobile WebSites


Facebook has announced the expansion of the Audience Network to include support for mobile web, bringing the value of native ad formats and people-based marketing to a new set of publishers and enabling 2.5 million Facebook advertisers to reach more of the people they care about on mobile devices.

What this simply means, is that publishers can now monetize their high-quality content with Facebook ads and advertisers can now expand their campaigns beyond Facebook, mobile apps and into mobile websites.

Prior to the announcement, Facebook Audience Network (FAN) only allowed app developers to monetize their mobile apps by tapping into Facebook’s powerful advertising platform. Now that it has been extended to mobile web, you can now monetize your iOS and Android apps, as well as mobile websites with targeted ads.

With Facebook Audience Network (FAN), you can now get instant access to diverse demand from 2.5M Facebook advertisers. Facebook takes care of showing the right ad to the right person – improving your user experience and maximizing your revenue potential.

Unlike other networks, the Audience Network rewards quality publishers based on the value they create for advertisers.

facebook ad examples
Facebook Audience Network Ad Types
The Audience Network gives publishers and developers the option to choose between three different ad units: banners, interstitials and native ads.

All three ad units have access to the same great targeting and advertisers, since the ads are automatically rendered to fit the unit you chose. 

For mobile websites publishers, you can choose from high performing native ad units, 300×250 medium rectangle, and 320×50 banners to deliver ads from Audience Network. Each format is a simple JavaScript integration into your mobile website.

It is worthy of note that Facebook interstitials ads are not available for mobile web i.e for apps only. 

You can check out FAN ad examples here

I have joined the audience network for mobile web and now displaying the Facebook banner ad and native test ad on my mobile tech blog – pending final approval. 
Below is the FAN native test ad below a blog post on the mobile view of the blog :
You might not see the test ads until it’s fully approved by Facebook. Only admins of my Facebook mobile website can see them while pending approval. 
Facebook Audience Network Payment
Payments are extracted when you accumulate at least $100 in revenue. You’ll receive payments on the 21st of each month for the previous month’s balance.

Facebook Audience Network Policies
In order to ensure that publishers are offering a high quality advertising experience, Facebook requires that all apps serving Facebook ads are in compliance with the Audience Network policies.
All apps and sites in the network will be reviewed by automated systems as well as manually checked for quality and compliance. Facebook promises on-going quality review to ensure continued adherence to the policies and native ad design guidelines.
How To Get Started
To get started, follow this guide to set up Audience Network in your apps and mobile websites.
Note : 
When adding the banner code to your blog, set testmode=”true” if you want to see Facebook test ads. If you can see test ads, your implementation works correctly and people will be able to see ads in your app once it’s live after approval by Facebook.

You will be notified by email and Facebook alert when your app is approved. Approval might take few business days. 

You can check out the Audience Network FAQs
Later, I will share info on how to add Facebook ad codes to your blog, how to check your earnings etc. Subscribe to email updates if you don’t want to miss the tutorials. 
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23 responses to “FAN Ads Now Let You Earn Money From Your Mobile WebSites”

  1. Avatar

    I must test this one oo. tnx boss jide.

  2. DSA Avatar

    this is nice…I wish it can work for Desktop view also… hope it has good cpc.

  3. Don Martins Avatar

    Wow! This would be superb. I'm gonna give it a go.


    Jide, thanks for this info… Please how do we fill the Tax ID Number box(as for we hat doesn't have Tax ID Number) ?? I've tried filling the form but that's where am having issues under the Payout tab. Thanks!

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      It is not compulsory to fill the tax form for now. You can fill all that later. I am yet to fill mine…..


    And again! …i added a fake tax number and it accepted. I noticed that when i click on the Get HTML button to get the code snippet, it pops out a blank (white page). What do you think bro?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Yes, dunno why it is blank but there are links on that guide page on how to integrate native ads, 300×250 and 320×50 ad banners for mobile web. Check those links for how to add the codes. I will also try and write on this…

  6. Osa Zing Avatar

    Thanks boss,I do not know if I have a say here,I have not got google ad and I know this is a different network,pls all I need is for you to help me do a review on my blog is its possible to apply for google adesen for now or if I can do this fb stuff on it.this is my blog my number is 08134061363 ad me on ur whtsapp list though I hv subcribed to email

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Apply for Adsense before opting in for this Facebook Audience network. Google Adsense is far better for now.

  7. Victor Kachi Avatar

    Please sir, is it advisable for me to run Facebook ads for my blog?
    I blog @

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Yes, you can promote your blog with Facebook ads.

  8. Ejiga GODWIN JNR Avatar

    Its a great one… Bloggers must earn.

  9. Omale Joseph Avatar

    Jid please accept my join request on FB. i sent a request to join your fb group but u haven't accepted my request. is for sale @ 15k. any serious buyer should contact me via

  10. uthman saheed Avatar

    Thanks brother…I will try it, just that, I don't trust Facebook. Always after money through ads to reach people on your pages.

  11. Samuel Anthony Avatar

    This is Nice. i once told fb survey to start the monetization process last year maybe it was becoz of me lol

    Wap2all Blog

  12. BelieveAll Outreach Blog Avatar

    This is very nice!

  13. gadgetsng Avatar

    Hello Boss Jide,i applied for more than one week now ,still no reply,but the test ad is showing

  14. Calabar Reporters Avatar

    Nice Post, please how do i place the implement the codes to work properly on blogger/blogspot design? My blog is You can email me tips at, thanks.

  15. srp Avatar

    Thanks brother.I will surly try it

  16. Abujacitynews Avatar

    This is interesting. Are saying that I can now host ads on my fb fan page?

  17. Janet Avatar

    Hello Jide, I was surfing the net and came saw your article. I did as you have said but got stuck. After adding tax and payment information, a message pops up and say Fan is not available in my region. I am based in Nigeria. Please your response will be appreciated

  18. ibrahim buhari Avatar
    ibrahim buhari

    please is this advertising of mobile app stilll available to Nigerians in 2021


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