How To Get EPP Code of Domain Names Registered Through


If you want to transfer your domain names which you registered through to another domain registrar, you will be required to provide an authorization code also called epp key – which you can only obtain from

Many domainking customers have not been able to get the epp codes of their domain names since NiRA shut down but guess what? There are tricks you can use to obtain the epp code of your domain name registered through Follow me through the steps below:

Method 1

Use a whois lookup tool to check where domainking registered your domain name.

If you see “public domain registry in the whois info, then send an email to requesting for the epp code of the domain name which was registered by their reseller “”.

Ensure you use the email address you used when you signed up at Also tell them to help you disable “whoisguard” and “domain lock” on the domain name so that the domain transfer can be successful.

Once your request is verified, they will assist you.

Method 2

Login to your domainking account as explained in my previous blog post. Click here to read the tutorial.

Click on “Manage Orders” > “List/Search Orders”

Click on the domain name which you want to obtain it’s epp code

Click “Domain Secret”

A window will pop up. Proceed to copy the code.

Then, use it to initiate your domain transfer from to another registrar of your choice.

I hope this helps.

Recommended : How To Transfer .Ng Domain Names From DomainKing.Ng To Garanntor.Ng Without EPP Code

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15 responses to “How To Get EPP Code of Domain Names Registered Through”

    1. Lizzy Bog Avatar

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      other countries

  1. Abode Avatar

    Domainking really thought me a lesson. Anyway thank God people like you that will always show us the way. Please I also have a hosting with them how do I do it?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Restore your back up to another host. I've written on that. You can check the archive…

  2. Oluwaseun Adeleke Avatar

    Apologies am posting comments not related to the topic here, but i need help on how to add read more option to blogspot web view,, my posts are displaying full on pc which is bad

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Send me an email bro..

  3. Marx Oduogu Avatar


    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Eeyah! Guess you now have access to them.

  4. Lizzy Bog Avatar

    this nice,thanks for the info

  5. Anthony Avatar

    I'm currently a victim of this circumstance, I could not find "public domain registry". What should I do???

  6. abijah johnnie Avatar

    thanks for this I was also a victim of domainking mishap but with Great and useful tutorials you've provide us with I smoothly and successful maneuver my way out of all the problems… To set up my own blog Abtech Blog
    I just want to say a big thanks to You God bless y'all

  7. kingsley umeh Avatar

    Have seen the code,thanks for the update Mr Jide you are the best bro,keep on shining.

  8. Xclusive Avatar

    Nice post…i learned alot,

  9. Esther Miller Avatar

    oh my God! Thank you so much for this. it was totally helpful.


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