Google Announces New Google Adsense Application Process for Publishers


Google has implemented a change to the way new Google Adsense applications are been reviewed. Google says the company will be adding a new step to the review process and begin sending notifications at “two key points.”

After a new application is submitted, Google will begin with preliminary checks on the site/blog and the applicant’s submitted details

If the application passes through this first stage, Google will notify the applicant by email, grant them account access, and provide them with ad code to place on their submitted site. It’s essential at this stage for the applicant to place the ad code on their site, as the review process can’t be completed until the ad code is implemented.”

However, live ads won’t immediately appear once the ad code has been placed on the submitted site. Since the application hasn’t been fully approved yet, temporary “blank ads” will be shown instead. These blank ads will blend in with the background of the page, so users won’t see them and the user experience won’t be impacted. 
As a result, there’s nothing to click on and thus revenue can’t yet be generated. If the applicant logs into his/her AdSense account at this stage of the review process, he/she will see a reminder that his/her account is still under review.”
After the ad code is added to the submitted site, Google says, a final approval decision will be made, and then the applicant will be notified by email. Approved publishers will see live ads automatically appear in the existing ad units. 
The applicant is then welcome and encouraged to add more ad  units to the submitted site and to any other policy-compliant sites he/she owns. Google also encourages new publishers to ensure their sites are available to be crawled by the Adsense robot ( Mediapartners-google) and also use the best-performing ad formats.
To avoid been banned, make sure you abide by the Google Adsense Policies. If your blog is new, kindly make sure you have quality content on your blog before applying for Google Adsense. You can check out this article which explains things Google sees as quality content
If you need more info about this new approval process, please visit the Adsense Help Center or feel free to post questions or contributions via the comment form below.

Jide Ogunsanya
Skype; ogbongeblog


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6 responses to “Google Announces New Google Adsense Application Process for Publishers”

  1. Vincent Avatar

    hmnn…Google is getting more strict with Adsense these days ooo. Anyway, i guess they are doing this to encourage their advertisers the more..

  2. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

    Yes, Google said the company took the step so as to drive more interest and demand from advertisers, thereby increasing the earning potential for publishers. It is a good move.

  3. Osakwe Jindu Avatar

    How long will this blank spaces last before ad start showing or before the final approval, what is the idea of the time?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      No idea bro. Not fixed.

  4. Mubarak Aminu Avatar

    my acount has pass the first stage of review, but i yet to recievce any email from google regarding it, is this ok or what should i do

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Keep calm bro and wait for the email.


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