How To Advertise On Opera News, Opera Mini in Nigeria


You can now advertise on Opera News and Opera Mini browser in Nigeria by making use of the Opera Ad Manager.

You will be able to start your own ad campaign at the click of a button by using the straightforward and easily accessible platform.

The platform makes it seamless and efficient for Advertisers to tap into the Opera Network and reach and engage their target market by self managing and optimizing their marketing campaigns. The extensive targeting capabilities enables advertisers to convey their message to the right audience, at the perfect time, in the most opportune place.

Using state of the art self-serve tools makes the process of placing an opera ad simple, fully controllable at every stage and easily changeable to tune the campaign inline with its objectives.

To launch your first Opera Ads campaign with Opera Ad Manager, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Create an account: Set up your account via 
  2. Define your campaign: Create your campaign by selecting targeting parameters: placement type, objective, device, country, gender, interest, language and many more. 
  3. Set your budget: Select the budget and choose the dates of the campaign. Your budget will determine how many impressions your campaign receives.  
  4. Create your Ad: Choose the creative, title, description, call-to-action and destination URL.
  5. Launch your campaign: Simply select a payment option and go live with your campaign. 

That’s all.

Opera Ads Pricing

Wondering how much it costs to advertise on Opera News and Opera Mini in Nigeria? Well, there is no fixed pricing.

You can pay per click or pay per thousand impressions (CPM)

As at the time of publishing this post, Opera News Feed ad will cost you #291 per thousand impression.

opera news ad cost cpm in nigeria

While if you want to per per click for Opera News Ad, it will cost you between #19 to #22 per click as seen in the image below.

opera news ads price pay per click in nigeria

I hope this helps.

Register and login to Opera Ads Manager to find out the current cost of Opera Ads in Nigeria.

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2 responses to “How To Advertise On Opera News, Opera Mini in Nigeria”

  1. Abraham Omaji Avatar
    Abraham Omaji

    Is it safe to use this to drive traffic to blog with Adsense?

  2. Hugo boss Avatar
    Hugo boss

    Can I start with a budget of N3000?? Will the Opera Mini Ad Platform allow such a low budget??


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