Blogger default templates on mobile must surely give you a drop down menu pagelist.
This has really made it difficult sometimes for visitors to find your contact page, except they scroll down to the footer if you have added the contact link there.
Google Adsense is another important thing to consider, placing ads below a drop down navigation is a violation of Adsense policy. Therefore, of recent many ads below that spot on blogger mobile view were force to the bottom.
Well, you can eliminate the drop down pagelist on mobile view and let it display the same way it appears on webview. This tutorial will guide you on how to do so.
How To Get Started
Before you get started, please, BACK UP YOUR TEMPLATE so you can easily reverse should in case you mess up your blog’s code.
==> Go to “Template” > ‘Edit HTML’ and search for <b:widget id=’PageList1‘. Alternatively, you can use the “Jump To Template” option to easily navigate to the PageList1 widget code.
==> Scroll down and look for the following codes :
<select expr:id=’data:widget.instanceId + "_select"’>
<b:loop values=’data:links’ var=’link’>
<b:if cond=’data:link.isCurrentPage’>
<option expr:value=’data:link.href’ selected=’selected’><data:link.title/></option>
<option expr:value=’data:link.href’><data:link.title/></option>
<span class=’pagelist-arrow’>&#9660;</span>
<div align=’center’ class=’tabs-outer’>
<b:loop values=’data:links’ var=’link’>
<span> <a expr:href=’data:link.href’><data:link.title/></a> </span>
<div class=’clear’/>
What’s your take on this?.
Mazino the Great.
Call me Mazino and not Mazino the great.
I am not great.
Well you can share this tutorial with other fellow bloggers.
Thanks for this,,, am gonna try it out.
Nice post and helpful,You really work hard to find a reasonable solutions to people's problems
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nawa oh… smh
thanks for this post, its great
i just tried it out on my news blog at and it worked perfectly 100 percent. Mazino thanks for this tutorial. Jide thanks for allowing Mazino share this great tip with us all.
Good to know it worked for you.
wow. great tutorial. I'm off to try it now , thanks
It worked well in my blog. But everything ,both text and background was white in color, do I had to make some changes in the CSS code you provided. So if yours is the same with mine , just changed one of the color codes from #fff to another color code just like I did in mine.
Checkout my blog here to see the sample
Wow it cool and i really like it see my blog
Wow! It worked perfectly… Check my blog TECHGEEZ.COM
It's a very great post and coding but for personal and Google mobile friendliness + readers UI I prefer the drop down. Since it is most recommended for mobile devices.
Wow, Its Perfect, and Its also SEO Friendly, You can checkout how my blog looks like now, I Blog at ==>>
Please o! It looks cool,but some of my links are not visible when you view with a smaller screen. Bigger screens on tablets don't have issues. What do I do. You can see it
wooow, it worked for me. thanks alot
i am greatful
I would like my own to be dispalying in drop down menu.. just like it was befor in the first screen shot.. pls how do i do it?
Same here, I'll like mine to be displaying in drop down rather, please.
this article has helped me alot thanks to all the bloggers community i really aprecaite.
Thanks for sharing a great learning tutorial and i am gonna try it out
Thank you Jide. Thanks tutorial helped me to set up my blog mobile view. Check it out guys