Mozat Download for Nokia, Blackberry, Android, iPhone and iPad


Wondering, “What is Mozat“? Well, Mozat is  MOZAT is a mobile social app that aims to connect you with friends on Nokia and other mobile devices. MOZAT works on Java feature phone, Nokia, BlackBerry, Android, iPhone, iPad; just one App to keep all your friends connected. Once you signed up with Mozat, you will be issued your own unique PIN just like the BBM PIN.

Features of Mozat Chat Messenger :

1) Unlimited Free Chat,
2) Integrated Mobile Social Games,
3) Instant Mobile Sharing,
4) No User ID or Password,
5) Unique PIN
6) Auto-Friend Detection,
7) Connect with other IM buddies (YM, MSN, Facebook Chat, etc),
8) Group Chat,
9) Message Delivery Report,
10) It Works on Every Phone,
11) Other Mobile Social Tools like chatroom, polls and circles.

Once you add your Facebook account to your Mozat app, you will start seeing updates of your Facebook friends and also will be able to chat with them right in the app. If you add your Twitter account, you will also start seeing the Tweets of your friends and you can even Retweet, Reply and Forward tweets right inside the Mozat app. You can also chat with your MSN, Yahoo and Google Talk contacts right inside the app.

You can configure your Mozat app to auto-update your Facebook, Twitter once you update your Mozat status.  You can send broadcast messages to all your contacts, you can poke and PING your friends etc

How To Download Mozat

Use the default browser of your mobile device to go to
Click on Free Download

How To Use Mozat Messenger

After installing mozat app to your device, launch it.
Choose New User
Enter your Phone Number
A code will be sent to your phone via text message. Use it to verify your account and you will be good to go.

== > If you see network or incorrect access point error message, just keep retrying or try it later.

I have installed the Mozap app to my Nokia, Blackberry and iPad and am really enjoying it. To be honest, I so much love Mozat than 2go.  I hope it gets so popular like 2go as soon as possible.

You can add me. My PIN is M15GK7


Feel free to ask questions and contribute using the comment form below. You can also share your PIN via the comment form.

I will be sharing more tutorials about Mozat in my future updates. So, make sure you subscribe to my blog here.


== > Mozat Verification Code Not Sent to your Phone? The solution


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4 responses to “Mozat Download for Nokia, Blackberry, Android, iPhone and iPad”

  1. buy dissertation Avatar

    really goodpost! thank you

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this. i just installed it to my Nokia c3 now. I will add you asap bro.

  3. Ariiq Avatar

    [Request] mozat v6.40 for symbian please!!

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    why is it referring me to download it tru itunes of which i av to download itune app first on my S5300.. tanx


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