How To Post Blog Posts Automatically To Facebook Using Hootsuite


This is a guest post compiled by Akpene Jacob  for OgbongeBlog

My fellow bloggers always send me mails and messages on how I use hootsuite to drive traffic to my blog, I always explain it to them but some will still be confused on how to use it effectively so i decided to write a tutorial on it so that they can fully understand it and those that have not heard of it too can use it.

So lets get started. You can use Hootsuite to drive traffic to your website or blog by connecting it with your   Facebook, Twitter or GooglePlus accounts so that you can schedule posts which will be posted automatically on this social media platforms.

hootsuite social media dashboard

Now you are ready use to Hootsuite, go to : on your browser and sign up if you are a new user or log in if you already have an hootsuite account. After you finish setting up your Hootsuite account and you logged in you will see the screen below.

Click on ”Add Social Networks”, a new window will pop up as seen below :

You can connect only one social network if you’re still using the free account but if you upgrade to Hootsuite Pro, you can connect as many as you want. See the screen below after I connected my Facebook account.


In the screen above you can see the Facebook groups I belong to but you I can only add 2 groups because I am still using free account, you should now add the two groups you want to be posting in.

Now we are done with the connecting ish, lets now link our Feeds to Hootsuite to so that it can do the work for us automatically.

Go to Publisher and click on ”RSS Feeds

A new window will pop up click on ”RSS/Atom” so that you can connect your Feed to Hootsuite so that anytime you post it will automatically posted in your groups.

Now click on that Plus icon below ”RSS/Atom”


That’s the screen you will see above.

Fill the form as explained below:  

Feed Url: Type in your blog address

Network to send feed items to: Select your Facebook profile or one of your groups.

Check this feed for new posts every: You can select every one hour, two hours and so on.

When new posts are found, send up to: You choose 1, 2 3 and so on.

Save your feed when you are done.

After you save the above, anytime you publish on your website/blog, Hootsuite will always be updating your Facebook for you with your latest blog posts.

In next tutorial, I will share with you, how to schedule your blog posts to be published on Facebook, Twitter etc using Hootsuite.

Are you also using hootsuite? Kindly share your experience.

This post was written by Akpene Jacob. He is a young Nigerian blogger and an internet Entrepreneur. He blogs at You can follow him on twitter @iamjayboss .
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15 responses to “How To Post Blog Posts Automatically To Facebook Using Hootsuite”

  1. Mimi Avatar

    Nice share Jacob, I use it and its cool. I need help on hootsuite mobile because I don't see where I can select my networks anytime I want to compose a new message with the hootsuite app.

    1. Akpene Jacob Avatar

      Thank you Mimi, I am happy you're enjoying.

      If you're using the Android app, click on Streams at the top left hand corner to see settings and co, click on "Manage Social Networks" to add your social networks. I hope this helps?

  2. Jay Page Avatar

    Great Post, Jay.
    I wouldn't want the hootsuite to post in my timeline, can it be made to post only in the groups?
    Most group will need the admin to approve a post first. Won't they decline the post seeing that it is being posted by an application?

    1. Akpene Jacob Avatar

      Thank you Jay Page, Yeah there is a way you can make it to post only in your groups by unpinning your timeline while scheduling your post which i will write on it in my next post. Hootsuite will not post on your timeline if you did not allow it and as for the admins of groups its left for them to approve it or not but always connect only groups that do not need approval before posting.I hope this helps?

  3. Seun Hallanaija Avatar

    This is a very helpful post bro! especially me that am always very busy so start wasting much time on HS to start sharing manually. Thank God a shortcut is here…. i never even made much findings on this if its possible or not not until i stumbled on this post. Well done.

    1. Akpene Jacob Avatar

      I am happy it is of help to you, use and enjoy it.

  4. Tolulope Lawson Avatar

    nice one mr jide av been looking for this tutor

  5. Don Martins Avatar

    I've been looking for a this tutorial especially because Jide use this app on facebook. Though I found articles that explains it's use. This one is quite simplified and sincere. E.g. other posts made me believe one can add up to 3 media accounts but you stated it's one. Plus I thought one could post to multiple groups using hootsuite. Thanks for the post. Wating for the continuation.

    1. Akpene Jacob Avatar

      Yeah you can add more than one social account and post to multiple facebook groups if you're on the hootsuite pro account.

  6. Marx Oduogu Avatar

    You took time to explain every tits and bits of hootsuite setup, actually have been with them for a year and few months but that of PRO plan can't figure out how it works, could you throw more light on that?

    Thanks all the Way @Jacob

    1. Akpene Jacob Avatar

      Thank you for taking your time to read the post too Marx. As for your question about Hootsuite PRO…

      *With hootsuite PRO you can add up to 50 social network accounts.

      *You will enjoy more push notifications like Get notified of new followers, RTs and faves for all your accounts.

      *Ad free
      It will turn of all promoted tweets and other ads.

      To upgrade to hootsuite PRO, you will pay….
      $14.99 for one month.
      $119.88 for 12 months

      Check for more on the PRO account.
      I hope this helps Marx?

  7. Ishola Abiola Avatar

    its telling me feed not validate

  8. glowy shoe Avatar

    hi jide…just came across this post..twas a bit helpful cos when i filled in my address, it kept telling me that feed did not validate… what am i doing wrong?..thanks

  9. Avatar

    that it works, kudos to the writer.

  10. micibama Avatar

    Hi! Jide, thank you for the helpful tips.


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